Cuddly - Liam ♡

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Your POV:

It was finally Friday, after what felt like the longest week of my life. This week I found out Liam was a werewolf one day, watched him get in a fight with Scott the next, and so much more things having to do with the supernatural. All I wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Liam, probably order some take out or get ice cream, and watch Disney movies all night. I sat in history, almost falling asleep, as the teacher talked on and on about some battle in Europe during the war. Usually I'm interested in the topic of world wars, but today all my focus was on Liam, who was dressed in a grey and red zip up hoodie and grey sweatpants, I can't get over how cute and adorable he looks today.

"(Y/N)!" I jumped in my seat, scared from the sudden call of my name.


"Please pay attention."

"Sorry, I'm just tired." He nodded and went back to teaching, turning around to write something on the chalkboard. Liam turned around in his seat and smirked at me, resulting in me giving him a dirty look. He stuck his tongue out and turned around. Ten minutes later, the bell finally rings, signaling the end of the day. I sighed happily, packing my things and waiting for Liam. He walked to my seat, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

"Liam, hey, what's wrong?" He seemed...mad? Annoyed? 

"I'll tell you when we get to my house." He had an angry look on his face, but why? I'm so confused. Did I do something? Did I talk to a guy and he's mad that I did? No...ugh.

We arrived at his house, walking in and up to his room. He threw his bag on the ground and flopped on his bed.

"Liam, what the hell is wrong with you? Did I do something? Because if I did, I obviously don't know what I did."

"No, it's Scott. He was talking to Stiles in the hallway during history. He was saying he was upset with me because I told you that I'm a werewolf." My face contorted with confusion. He sighed.

"He thinks you can't keep a secret, and that you'll tell everyone either accidentally or on purpose."

"But, you're my boyfriend. I'm not saying you have to tell me every little detail of your life, like what you had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but if you're keeping a huge secret from me, like being a werewolf, I want you to tell me, because you can trust me. I don't want you to think I can't keep a secret."

"No, no, no. I do trust you, I wouldn't have told you if I didn't, okay, that sounded better in my head. But, (Y/N), I do trust you. I'm just pissed Scott is mad at what I say and do in my relationship."

"Hey, it's okay. He's being selfish right now. He doesn't want the secret of werewolves to be spread even more, and put his life at risk." He sighed and sat up, climbed off his bed, stepped over a pile of dirty laundry, and tackled me in a hug. I closed my eyes, sighing contently, happy to finally be in his arms after a long day.

"You wanna play video games and order some Chinese food?" He mumbled into my shoulder I hummed in response, and he rubbed my back gently.

"I love you. I won't keep any huge secret from you anymore, okay?" We pulled away and he pressed a soft, innocent kiss to my lips. My eyes widened as I looked out his window to see it was snowing.

"Hey! It's snowing!!" I ran to the window and stared in awe. It had been snowing for a while, or just a lot, because the whole yard was covered in snow. Liam came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. The snow started to fall harder by the second, making it impossible to see even ten feet away.

"We should order some food before it gets really bad out," I suggested, turning around to grab my phone off of Liam's bed. I called in our usual order, two orders of fried rice, two orders of plain white rice, and two orders of orange chicken; it was nice that Liam and I liked the same things from places because we don't have to decide what to get for 20 minutes.

Our food eventually arrived and we talked about things going on in Beacon Hills and with Scott and Theo while eating.

"So, what's-" I was cut off by the lights flashing, then turning off. My heart started to race, and I know Liam could hear it.

"It was probably the snow messing with some power lines. It'll be back on soon." I could already feel the room getting cold because the heat was also out. I sighed and laid back on the bed. I crawled under the covers and huddled under them, facing my adorable boyfriend, who had a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay, baby?" I nodded.

"Just starting to get cold." He set our trash on the ground and clambered under the comforter and pulled me into his chest.

"Scott told me that one result of being a wolf is being able to radiate warmth. So, um, I'll just hold you until the heat comes back on."

"Liam, you don't have to. I'll be fine."

"No, no, I want you to be warm. I know how much you hate the cold. Plus it gives me an excuse to cuddle with you," he shyly admits. I giggle and cuddle into his chest.

"So, are you warmer?" He asked after a few minutes. I nodded into his neck, sighing happily.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

I don't exactly like how this turned out, it's not what i really wanted it to be like, but oh well

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