In love - Stiles ♡

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i found a couple lists of prompts on tumblr, so most of my upcoming imagines will probably be from those. credit to the people who posted them, i forgot their usernames lol. hope you like it!!

Stiles's POV:

It was finally Friday, yet school seemed to drag on for forever. I was falling asleep in almost every class, getting yelled at by each teacher. Lunch came around and I sat at the table with everyone else, practically falling asleep on my food.

"Stiles! Stay awake. We have to come up with a plan on how to get Lydia out of Eichen," Tyler shook me awake, but failing as my head falls onto my plate, landing on the mashed potatoes. I heard a giggle from across the table, looking up to see my girlfriend (Y/N) smiling widely, staring at me. I groaned and wiped my face off, deciding not to eat today.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" I heard her ask. I shrugged, not wanting her to know why.

"Yeah, why didn't you? I mean, you usually never sleep anyways, but you always fall asleep at sometime. Even if it's like two or three in the morning," Scott commented, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I just, uh, got caught up in some investigation with my dad," I lied to them.  I gave Scott a look that said 'I'll tell you later', which he caught on to.

"(Y/N), do you think you could help me? Because obviously Stiles is asleep?" She nodded, telling Scott she would be over at his house after school.

"I have to meet Allison in the library. Bye guys. I'll see you later Scott." She got up from her seat, collecting her trash, and pressed a kiss to my cheek. Even in my exhausted and sleepy state, my cheeks heated up at her simple show of affection.

"Okay, dude. What the hell is up with you?"

"I'll tell you after school. I'm way too tired right now. I'm gonna go home and get some sleep, and when school's out I'll come over and tell you." He sighed, feeling defeated that his best friend won't tell him how he's feelings. I packed my stuff up as the bell rang, walking out the doors of the school and to my Jeep.

Once I arrived home, I dropped my backpack by the door and ran up the stairs to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

*time skip*

Stiles's POV:

I woke up to an alarm on my phone, my eyes widening as I forgot I even fell asleep. Damn, it feels good to get some rest. I checked the time and saw that school had been out for about 15 minutes already, so I decided to head over to Scott's.

I hopped in my car and drove, still kind of weary because I had just woken up. I parked in his driveway and got out, walking into his house like I usually do.

"Hey Stiles. Scott's upstairs," his mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Thanks, Mrs. McCall!" I ran up the steps two at a time, sprinting to his room.

"Hey, dude. So you wanna tell me what's been making you act so weird and it sleep? Because I know you, you're my best friend. You didn't spend the whole night working on an investigation with your dad. What's up?"

"It's (Y/N)."

"What about her?" I sighed, not wanting to do this anymore.

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