After a fight - Aiden ♡

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Your POV:

I sat at my kitchen table with a bunch of papers surrounding me. Finals were killing me, I don't know how teachers expect us to remember EVERY SINGLE THING from the beginning of the semester. I just finished with my AP Bio review, moving onto my history one, when my phone buzzed. I lifted it slightly to check who it was, seeing it was Scott. Sighing, I reluctantly picked it up, knowing it probably has something to do with the supernatural. I just want one normal day, ugh.

"Hello?" I sighed, kind of rolling my eyes.

"(Y/N)? It's Aiden. He's hurt, we can't get ahold of Derek, Deaton, or even my mom. The hospital doesn't have power because of the storm." I looked out the window to see it pouring. Wow, I've been studying so hard that I hadn't noticed it was storming. And the music I was listening to probably drowned the thunder out.

"I didn't even realize it was storming," I commented, completely ignoring the fact that my boyfriend was hurt.

"But what did you say about Aiden?"

"He and Ethan got in a fight over something and he's really hurt. Do you think I can bring him to your place?" I looked down at everything I had left to do, and even though I HAD to finish, I also needed to help my boyfriend.

"Yeah, bring him here. The door's unlocked so just walk in."

"Alright. We'll be there in a few." I hung up, trying to finish as much as I could until they got here. I got about halfway through the study guide I was working on when the front door was flew open, Scott and Isaac carrying a beaten up and bruised Aiden. I put my pencil down, running to grab the first aid kit that was in the cabinet.

They laid him down on the couch, standing back, not knowing what to do. My dad is a doctor, so of course he taught me how to take care of someone when they get injured; I didn't exactly learn how to take care of a werewolf.

"Wait, he's a werewolf, isn't he supposed to be healing?" I asked, very confused.

"Apparently when he went from an alpha to an omega, he, as well as Ethan, lost most of his werewolf powers. He can barely heal, he's not as strong, full moons don't affect him as much as they did." I nodded and started to clean a bad cut he had on his side. I applied some gauze to it, moving to work on the cuts on his face. He looked up at me as I put a tiny piece of gauze on his cheek.

"Thank you, babe," he whispered.

"Yeah, yeah." He giggled, causing me to glare at him because he moved. His expression changed and he went back to frowning. I continued to tend to his cuts, on his arms, legs, neck, everywhere. By the time I finished, Scott and Isaac were long gone, and Aiden and I had been quiet the whole time.

"What the hell happened, Aiden?" I was kind of pissed; I was the one who had to clean him up after every fight he's gotten into. Whether it was when he wasn't a werewolf, or when he couldn't heal from one, even if his cuts were laced with wolfsbane.

"Ethan was saying horrible things. I wasn't gonna stand there and act like nothing was wrong."

"What'd he say?" I just finished applying some cream to the bruise under his left eye.

"He was saying..." he trailed off and stopped, looking down at his hands.

"Aiden! Tell me! I'm pissed at this situation!" He looked up with hurt in his eyes. He sighed and spoke quietly.

"He was saying horrible things about you," he whispered, looking back down at his lap. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, sitting down next his hips.


"Things like Derek should've killed you, Scott should kill you, and that he's gonna kill you himself. I wasn't just gonna let him get away with saying that shit!" He tried sitting up, but failed because of his side. I touched his shoulder to relax him, and to also prevent him from sitting up.

"That doesn't mean you have to get in a fight with him. Just tell him off, shove him a few times." He shook his head.

"Look, (Y/N), I'm sorry for bothering you. You don't have to sit here and talk to me, I know you have to study. But, is it okay if I stay overnight? I don't wanna see Ethan right now, and I kind of want to protect you from him. I don't want him sneaking out, knowing I'm injured severely, and coming here to hurt you." I softly smiled at him.

"Of course you can, Aiden. I'm sorry for being rude to you, I'm just stressed because of finals and Scott dragging me into the supernatural when I just want a normal day or night. And I get you're a werewolf and I'm bound to get involved, but I just want a day where I'm not. I'm not like you guys, I'm human, like Stiles." He nodded, grabbing my hands in his, and smirking at me.

"How about you take a break from studying for tonight? I know you've probably been working non-stop on your study guides and reading textbooks. Just, let's go up to your room, or stay here, and cuddle, watch some movies?" I grinned and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.

"Sounds great, babe. I just have to organize all my stuff and put it up. I'll be right back." He nodded and closed his eyes for a little.

Aiden's POV:

I laid on (Y/N)'s couch, waiting for her to come back downstairs. I thought about all of the things that happened tonight.

Getting in a fight with my brother.

Finding out I can't heal anymore, well with really deep and bad injuries.

My girlfriend pissed because, yet again, she got dragged into the supernatural, which I know she hates.

My thoughts were interrupted by (Y/N) grabbing my hand, trying to help me stand up.

"What wrong?" I asked, wincing as I moved.

"I was gonna pull the couch out so it's more comfortable. Apparently Isaac and Scott passed out on my bed, I seriously thought they left," she giggled, moving the couch cushions to the floor and pulling the 'mattress' out.

"Lay down, I'll grab a couple pillows and covers for us." I nodded, struggling to even step closer to the couch. She quickly came back, realizing that I probably couldn't do what she told me on my own. She threw the pillows on the couch and helped me lay down, throwing a cover over me and fluffing a pillow, putting it behind my head.

"So, what movie should we watch?" She asked quietly. I winced as she leaned on my chest, pushing her away slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Aiden. I'll lay on your lap." she placed a pillow on my legs and moved her body to lay horizontal.

"Let's watch something funny. We need that right now." She was in charge of the remote, as I couldn't move my hand. She eventually chose Step Brothers, our favorite movie, besides any Disney movie.

"I love you, (Y/N)." She smiled up at me, rubbing my hand that was resting on her cheek.

"I love you, too. I'm sorry I'm so much to deal with because I don't like being involved with the supernatural and stuff, and I know I kind of have to because you're a wer-" I leaned down, capturing her lips with mine. I ignored the burning pain in my side and focused on my girlfriend's soft and perfect lips. We finally pulled away after a few seconds, after I couldn't deal with the pain coursing through my body anymore. I sat up, groaning loudly, my eyes screwed shut. She looked at me worriedly, but I shrugged her off, saying I was fine; she was worth the pain. She's worth everything.

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