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I was in the house. It was empty. No one was home the windows and everything was fixed like it they were never broken. I wobbled to me and Jena room. I sighed and started to pack up Jena things.

I was angry and hurt. I felt alone. I couldn't believe she's gone.

I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands.

I heard the front door opened then closed. I got up and went downstairs.

I was going to find out who's responsible.

I seen Ariyah, Lamar, and Lamar friends.

"Lamar I need some answer because of this shit" I yelled.

"What are you talking about" he said looking at me.

I pushed him to the ground.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I slurred.

He got up and pulled out a gun at me.

"Wait don't do that" Ariyah yelled getting between us.

I pushed her out the way making her fall to the ground.

Lamar friends took out they guns.

Lamar cocked his gun about to shot me.

He pulled the trigger but Ariyah pushed his arm making him miss hitting the wall behind me.

"What the hell Ariyah" he said.

"He's drunk and he's hurting" she said with a sigh.

"He just lost his wife and he wants to know why" she said rubbing her head.

The house went quiet.

"A guy name Joshua killed your wife" she looked at me.

"Why" I yelled.

"Because he's a dumbass and have major issues also to get a point across" she said.

"You put a hit out on her" I said looking at her.

"No he comes after family and I guess he thinks I was close to Jena" she said.

"Why he coming after you though" I hissed.

"Some things I can't explain but you can't stay here for a few days this house is still a target" she said then walked right past me and walked upstairs leaving everyone wondering what was she hiding.

"If you or your damn sister get my son killed I will be coming for you two" I hissed at Lamar.

"She can't stop me from killing you now" he said.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the house slamming the door behind me.

I got in my car drove off. I took out my phone and called Caleb.

"What's up dad" he said answering the phone on the 3rd ring.

"Be careful in these damn streets Caleb I'm not fucking playing with you I don't want to hear you got shot because you were involved in some gang shit" I said to him.

"Don't have to worry about that man" he said.

"Yes the fuck I do I'm serious, get involved with a gang and I'll beat your ass like you a nigga in the street" I said to him.

"Ok dad damn" he said.

"Alright bye" I said then hung up.


"Nigga why the hell does Joshua want your sister so bad he been trying to get her before anyone even found out she was the new boss" Trey said to Lamar.

"Ok I got some shit I don't tell no one" Lamar said turning around.

"Joshua was engaged with our mom before she passed when she was on her death bed he took all her money that she was going to give to us and left we didn't see him since until a few days ago he came here and kidnapped Ariyah while everyone was sleep she escaped but he really need her for some shit I don't know about only she knows" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think something happened before our mom died because Ariyah was always with Joshua even when she didn't want to be" he added.

"Damn man" I said.

Ariyah walked downstairs with a book bag and a shovel.

"Ariyah you got to tell us why Joshua want you" Lamar said.

We all looked at her.

"I know things I shouldn't know been at the wrong places at the wrong time" she said telling the truth but she was still hiding something.

"So he's after you because he thinks your going to snitch or something" Chris asked.

"No because he need the information I have well a few gangs and mods trying to get the information that I have" she said.

"Wait Joshua isn't the only one trying to get you" Lamar asked.

"Nope I'm a walking target" she said with a smile.

"Why the hell are you smiling for then" Tyga asked.

"I'm a few steps ahead of them" she said with a shrug.

"You're the only one who knows about this information" Lucas asked.

"Well the 3 people who knew about this information was our mom, Lace, and me my mom is dead of course and Lace killed himself because he couldn't stand it drove him insane he hated having to always look over his shoulders and being high alert so he ended now it's just me" she said with a sigh but shrugged it off.

By the looks of it her and that Lace guy seem close.

(I'm changing it so the guy Lace taught her everything she knows from shooting guns to selling drugs so forget about Joshua teaching her those things I'm going back in the chapters and changing it)

"What is this information that is so damn important" Lamar asked her.

"What I know other gang and mods need to take down huge gang like IDG and now since I run IDG other gangs and mobs fear I'm going to take them down because of the things I know" she said.

"Wait did boss know that you know that important information" Sean asked.

"I honestly have no idea if he did it would have been stupid for him to let me kill him" she paused for a minute.

"Nicely played Terrence" she said.

We all looked at her confused.

"What was his game and who's Terrence" Trey asked what we all was thinking.

"He knew I wasn't going to tell him but he wanted to keep his gang running and his name in the street and Terrence is boss man" she said.

"How you got his name he never tell anyone his name" I said to her.

"Right and why won't you just tell anyone" August asked.

"He wrote this letter to me and Ak gave it to me so he knew I was going to kill him he didn't know it was going to take this long though and I would be killed by the other gangs because I told someone else on how they can be destroyed so if I talk I die and if I don't talk I die either way I die" she said then picked up her shovel.

We just looked at her.

"Now Lamar are you going to give me a ride to Lincoln park or nah" she said looking at Lamar.

"Why do you have a shovel you got something buried at Lincoln park" he asked her.

"Yes I do" she said.

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