Worst Nightmare

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This chapter is short it's really just a filler honestly. I will put a long chapter later. Please excuse all errors that are made in this chapter.

Please vote and comment. Love you guys and Enjoy


Everyone was downstairs talking and everything but I was in my room. For some reason I didn't have a good feeling.

Why would Maxwell need to prepare Amanda?

Does he know he's going to lose and trying to prepare his gang?

Does Amanda not know she won't live through this?

What the fuck is she thinking?

I took out my phone and called her.

It said the caller I'm trying to reach is no longer available.

She blocked you wow

You know what fuck it if you she want to take the responsibility of doing that go ahead but if she fuck with my gang I won't hesitate to put a bullet through her skull.

Wow you going to kill you niece or nephew in the process

I'll kill her after birth then.

You are a cold bitch

I'm fine with that the cold doesn't bother me

Okay Elsa (my little cousin watched Frozen while I babysat and I was writing this chapter as well 😂)

I shook my head and laid down.

I slowly end up drifting to sleep.


The guns went off as I ran throttle trap.

I shot for whoever didn't have a red bandanna on.

I ran down the stairs and made my way to the exit.

I seen Deion was in a head lock  about to pass out from this huge guy.

I aimed the gun.

I pulled the trigger aiming for the guy.

I shot right between the eyes and he dropped with a passed out Deion falling next to him.

I ran over to him and to her he was still breathing and was fine just passed out.

I grabbed his arm and started to pull him.

"Shit your heavy" I groaned.

I looked to see Mace and Chris run over to me.

"We have to go I put the bomb in place" he said then him and Chris picked Deion up and started carrying him to the cars.

I took a last look around then started to walk towards the car.

The bomb went off and I smiled.

I turned around to see the trap was up in flames.

"So satisfying" I said to myself.

I felt someone push me hard away from where I was standing making me fall.

Once I regain my balance I looked to see who pushed me.

I seen Grandma Rita.

What the fuck is she doing here and why did she push me?

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