Duffel Bag

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2 weeks later

It's been two weeks since Ariyah left. We don't know where that girl went. We found out she actually left when we didn't see her for a day. We thought she was still in Connecticut because she answered Deion text but nah she somewhere only god knows where. Lamar tried to track down her phone but that girl smart as hell. It was saying she was all over the place in Connecticut, Jersey, New York, California, D.C, Colorado, Canada, Paris, Detroit, England, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Orleans, Florida and the list went on.

At first we thought someone took her but then Ms. Rita said she left. We tried to talk to her and everything but I just gave up. Never try to help someone who doesn't want to be help. Even though she doesn't need help but I honestly think she just needs to think for a minute. A lot of shit did pile on her.

"Chris you was flirting with Savannah ass" Lucas asked me.

"Which one" I asked him.

"Short, braces, fat ass but flat chest, and have glasses" he said.

"Oh nah she was talking to me and I was just nodding like I was listening" I said to him.

I was really watching her talk with her tongue. Some words didn't need tongue motion but she used it like the word car. You don't need your tongue to say car.

"Damn nigga" August laughed.

I felt my phone vibrate.

I looked to see I had a text from Ariyah. My eyes grew big.

I was about to say something but seen the text said don't tell no one I texted you.

Ariyah the boss 🤤🍑:
Don't tell anyone I texted you but I need you to do me a favor

You know everyone looking for your ass right and what you need

Ariyah the boss 🤤🍑:
I know but I need you to go to the trap and in my office open the closet and grabbed the red duffle bag not the black one. Don't open it and don't be hard headed. Once you got it bring it to my house and give it to Ms. Rita she knows what to do with it

Ok I won't open it damn

Luckily I was already in the trap.

"I'll be back" I said getting up.

I walked to Ariyah office. I opened the closet and seen the red duffle bag. I grabbed it and walked out her office.

"What are you doing" I heard a voice.

I stopped in my tracks. I looked and seen Deion.

"Uh just getting my bag out Ariyah office" I lied.

"I know that's Ariyah bag" he said to me.

I groaned.

"Ok look you can't tell anyone" I said to him.

He gave me a nod.

I took out my phone and showed him the text.

"What's in it" he said looking at the bag.

"I have no idea and she said not to open it" I said to him.

"Well alright" he said then walked off.

I don't know why but Deion was very chill for someone who haven't talked to they girl in 2 weeks or has he.


Me and Ariyah text every other day. She don't tell me where she at or anything but I know she not in Connecticut. Yea I miss her a lot but at least now I can actually talk to her this time. Last time it was like she dropped off the face of the earth.

"Why you looking like that" Sophie said snapping me out my thoughts.

"What nothing just was in my thoughts" I said to her.

She gave me a nod then continued to clean guns while sitting on Sean lap.

I got up from my seat and walked out the trap. I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out to see it was Ariyah.


"If she's not in Connecticut where the hell is she" Joshua yelled.

"I don't know she left, she didn't tell me anything she usually say something but nothing you still didn't tell me why you were in her house if you needed something you could have sent me Tazz wouldn't have attacked me" I said to him.

"Your ass disappeared on me remember and better call her ass then and talk to her I pay you for a job to do. You really don't want to relive what happened last time you pissed me off" he yelled at me.

I shook my head.

"Alright then get the hell out my face and get her location you know the plan" he said.

I gave him a nod then walked out his house.

Tears came to my eyes. I wasn't always off my game but I end up liking her. I didn't want to betray Joshua but she had something to her.

Well at least this job is almost done all I have to do is get her back to Connecticut and get her over to Joshua territory. Easier said then done honestly.


It felt like I was being watched.

I looked around as I walked into target pushing a carriage.

"You let your guard down to much" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around to see Ariyah.

"What the hell" I said looking at her.

"I could have killed you and steal Melly" she said messing with Melissa fingers.

"When you came back to Connecticut" I said hugging her.

"An hour ago when I got to the house I seen you about to leave the house so I sneaked into your trunk Ima say this one more time someone could easily kill you" she said trying to push away from my hug but I didn't let go.

"Let go before I shank you" she hissed at me.

"I know you wouldn't do that" I said then kissed her forehead.

She pushed me away.

"You lucky I like your daughter or you would have been dead" she said then unbuckled Melissa out her car seat.

"Don't take her out" I said to her.

"You are not my dad" she said taking her out anyway.

She started kissing her cheeks.

"I miss my little heater parasite" she said making Melissa laugh.

"You just called her a parasite" I said as I started to push the red carriage.

"Yep she's auntie little parasite" she said holding her.

"So where did you go" I asked her.

"Can't tell you" she said.

"And why not" I asked her.

"Because I'm going back I only came back to get something then I'm leaving again you weren't even supposed to know I'm here but like I said I missed my baby" she said.

"Where are you staying? What about school? Who's around y-" she cut me off.

"I have another house no one knows of well except you now and I enrolled school over there so I won't miss shit and I only have two people around me that I actually trust" she said to me.

"I just want you to be safe Ariyah" I said to her.

"I know I will" she said then looked at Melissa.

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