Kill Him

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Hello my people. This chapter is kinda short but I got you. Please excuse all errors you know I be fucking up sometimes. But anyway vote and comment. Please And Thank You


I looked at the building trying to figure out what the hell was I doing.

I let Amir out for him to take me back here why.

"Familiar to you" he asked looking at the run down building in front of me.

There was Ash on the brick. The windows were broke. The grass was tall and the vines were growing on the side of the trap.

"You think I wouldn't know this place" I said looking at the building.

My first living nightmare. Here was the first time I thought a bullet through my head would solve everything.

Everything happened in this building.

"You're lost" he said lowly.

"How bring me back to a place where I was tortured and drugged everyday at will help find myself" I said looking at him.

(For people who don't know they are at Joshua first trap and Ariyah original hell hole where it all started)

"You got away from all of this by one thing and that one thing was anger at everyone and everything, you didn't care for the people around you or anything" he said.

"How will anger help me" I said frustrated.

"It won't help you now since this isn't your problem anymore, you see your not scared to die but your scared when the people around you die I can die today or tomorrow and no matter what happened between us your going to find my killer or cry either or some emotion is going to show" he said which was true.

"Your frustrated with the fear not the love" he said which made me look at him.

"Yea right" I said to him.

"It's true" he said looking at me.

He pulled me close to him making chills go down my back and his arm wrapped to my side as we looked at the trap.

"I need you to do me a favor" he said.

I looked at him.

"Take this" he said giving me a gun.

"And do what with it" I said looking at it.

He pulled away and pulled me in front of him.

"Right here" he said pointing to his forehead.

"What" I said backing up.

"Calm down Look I'm done with things okay I fucked up my life so much Joshua finds me he's going to kill me anyway and I'm not going to give him the satisfaction" he said to me.

"Why not just do it yourself" I said.

"I won't pull that trigger" he said.

"What makes you think I can" I said looking at him.

He smiled a little.

"It's payback for all the shit I've done to you" he said.

"But you helped me leave this fucking place" I said pointing the gun at the building behind me.

"I also did a lot of fucked up shit Bee" he said holding both my cheeks.

"I hate it when you call me that" I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

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