Her Baby Daddy

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This chapter is just me explaining some shit which is probably what y'all wanted lol. Please excuse all errors because I know there is some in there.
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I sighed.

"Ariyah you can't just come every 2 weeks with money and things you want her to have then leave" he said to me.

I bit my bottom lip a little.

"You know how I feel how I feel about this" I said to him.

"Okay tell me this, why did you keep her huh adoption is a thing" he said.

"I explained this to you already I barely trust people who I work with you think I will trust a stranger to protect her and love her" I said to him.

He sighed.

"You know last week she asked if I know where you were and did I have your number" he said.

"What did you tell her" I asked him as my eyes started to glossy.

"I told her I don't know where you are and I lost your number" he said.

"You know her birthday coming up" he said.

"I know she's turning 3" I said and then a tear fell.

"The biggest present is for me to find you and bring you to her party" he said looking at me.

My heart picked up a bit pace.

"She really wants to meet you Ari" he said.

"And then what" I said as my voice cracked.

"Talk to her she's a 2 year old they connect with people fast" he said coming close to me.

"Does she know how I look or even my name" I said looking at him.

"She knows your name I told her how you are and explain a little to her why your not here at the moment" he said.

I shook my head.

"I really want to be with her I think about her every day I just don't want her in harms way because the minute something happens to her it's all over for me" I said lowly.

"No one stopping you from seeing her" Damien said.

I looked at him.

He still looked the same.

His soft chocolate brown, low oval shape eyes. Long eyelashes. Strong jaw line. Thick lips that were soft and you wanted to kiss all the time. Curly hair that was short. Chocolate brown skin. He grew a small beard.

I laid back on the counter.

You probably wonder when the hell did I have a kid and who the fuck is Damien.

Well I had a baby at 15. I never told anyone except her father, Damien not even grandma Rita. He was the first guy I ever slept with. When I told you guys I only slept with two guys it was him and Deion. I never slept with Amir surprisingly.

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