Chapter 53

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"Well, how was it?" My mom questions as she sips from her tea mug while lounging on the living room couch in her blue pajamas.

I sit down on the recliner opposite her and toss my freshly-showered hair over my shoulder. She's watching Law & Order re-runs and I want to comment on her on-going obsession with the crime investigation series, but I refrain. I lean back into the comfy cushions as my mom points the remote at the television to turn the volume down.

"It was really good" I nod and pull out my phone from my sweatpants' pockets instantly.

I had forgotten to call or even text Harry when I arrived at home. I just went on unpacking and took a quick shower, not even thinking about touching my iPhone. It's almost eleven thirty already and I immediately send Harry a message.

To: Harry Styles

I got home a while ago. I'm sorry I forgot to call :(

"That's all I get, huh?" My mom laughs but seems a bit offended and then I realize the shortness of my response to her.

"We all went out to a really nice dinner. The concert was amazing, they sounded great as always. And I got to spend some quality girl time with Danielle and El" I elaborate, holding my phone tightly in my hand as I wait for a reply. "It was a really great trip."

"That's good. I'm glad" she smiles. "So how's Harry doing?"

"Good" I laugh at the fact that my mother's eyes light up when she just mentions Harry. "Why?"

"Well wasn't he feeling ill before?" My mom justifies herself.

"Oh yeah" I remember. "He's feeling a lot better. He has a sore throat during the performance but he sounded just as lovely."

I start to remember our first fight after the concert, and why he was so angry and I mentally cringe.

My phone vibrates and I zone out from the current conversation with my mom.

From: Harry Styles

It's quite alright, just come back :(

To: Harry Styles

Aw, I'll call you in a few. Hang on.

"Hm?" I glance over my phone screen and look to my mother, who is mid-sentence.

She sighs at my obvious lack of focus on her, but starts to repeat herself for me.

"Is everything packed for tomorrow? Because I don't want you phoning me in three days, talking 'bout how you need some things from home" she gives me the motherly look like she knows I'll end up doing it anyway, and then she slowly sips from her steaming cup of tea.

"It's all in the hallway" I say proudly and point upstairs. "Are Drew and Maddie coming tomorrow?"

"Maddie has a soccer tournament, but Drew's coming along" she answers. "Go get some sleep. It's getting late, love."

I follow her instructions, lifting myself from my chair and making my way up the staircase to my bedroom. I'm extra careful to step over all of my packed bags and. I shut my door and climb into my neatly-made bed, I guess my mom had been bored while I was away yesterday. I lay down on my stomach and click on Harry's contact in my phone.

"Hiii" Harry picks up on the third ring.

"Haz" I smile into the phone, completely smitten and feeling a sudden flutter of happiness.

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