Chapter 4

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Elsa, Avery and I ran back to class. We were gone for 14 minutes. Nothing too suspicious. We sat back down at our seats. When the period was over, we all waited for Jesy to show up at her locker. 

" Ahhh!!! I can't wait. She is going to be covered in that nasty shit." Avery said. 

A few moments later, she walked up to her locker, but before she opened it, she noticed us. 

"Hello Carson. How have your daydreams been going?" she asked, 

"I..I..I. Who told you that?" i asked. Avery and elsa looked at the ground. 

"Um i think i know who." elsa said. 

"You know what. i dont care. You can say what ever you want. At least my idols dont spit on their fans and get arrested. We walked away. (Jesy is a huge Justin Bieber fan)  We were halfway down the hallway when we heard her scream.  

"Haha. She never saw it coming." We high fived each other. 

We got to science and took our seats. When class ended, the trio of jerks walked up to us. Their names are Landon, Sam, and Anthony. 

"We know you did that to Jesy." Landon said. 

"So what if i did.  She has done so much to me. Its a small price to pay really." 

"Whatever. But you are going to get it with Mr. Poehls." they walked away. 

"Its okay Caron. She isnt winning this one." Elsa said. When me and Avery got to our 4th , STEM elsa went to Vocal music. It wasnt 10 minutes into class when an announcement came over the speaker. 

"Caron Lott, Elsa Kennedy, and Avery Neltner please come to the office." 

I looked over at the jerks and smiled. I wasnt loosing. When i got to the office, i saw Elsa, Avery and Jesy talking to the principle. Jesy was wearing an old tshirt and sweat pants, i guess she had them in her locker. 

" Carson. Please sit down." Mr. Poehls said. I took a seat and glared at Jesy. 

"Please explain to me what just happened in the hall."

"well..." i didnt want to lie, i guess i have to. "She set me up."

" I Did not!!!" she yelled. 

"Jesy. Calm down. I will give you a chance to speak. Let Carson tell her story." 

"You see..... we used to .... be best friends..... but then we stopped..... and now she hates me. So... she set me up." i stammered and glanced at Elsa and Avery. They nodded 

"Jesy. do you have anything to say about that?" Mr. Poehls asked. 

"Yes!! That isnt true!! Its true we hate each other but i didnt set her up!" she yelled. 

"Yes she did! We have proof!" Elsa stood up and brought the note to Mr. Poehls. He looked at it and raised his eyebrowns.

"Im afraid we have all the proof we need." he said. " Jesy can i see one of your folders?" She handed him a folder and he grabbed out an old assignment. 

"Yep. The signatures match up. You girls are free to go." he said and we rushed out of the room. 

"I cant believe we pulled it off." Elsa said. 

"I know!! Lets go back to class. See ya later. " Avery said and Elsa walked away to her class. When me and Avery got back to Stem, the jerks were waiting for us. 

"SO what'ja get? 2 day suspension. Detention?" Sam asked. 

"Nothing. We got nothing. " i said and walked away, leaving them with their mouths wide open. after my fail at building a bridge i went to U.S. History.  Elsa and Avery were running late so i talked to my friend Pipsqueak. (She is an aspiring rapper and that is her stage name) 

"Hey Pipsqueak. What up?" 

"Nuthin much. Hbu?" she yelled. I laughed. 

"Stop trying to be gangsta! Its not working. " 

"Fine. So i heard about your little stunt." she said. 

"SHH, Dont tell anybody. We got away with it and i want to keep it on the down low. "


"Yes, ill talk to you later." the bell rang and i got back in my seat. 

The music is quiet. My head is pounding; another headache. The pain is unbearable so i try to stand up, but fall. This usually happens. I try again, and succeed. Im trying to walk to the bathroom, but stumble and fall. I sigh and slide down the fall. Don't take the medicine. Don't take the medicine. 

"Are you okay?" 

I look up and see Calum. His brown eyes are full of worry. 

"Yeah...No not really." i looked up at him. He bent down and helped me to my feet. 


"what's wrong?" 

"Headache. But dont worry. I get them all the time. Its not a big deal."

"It looks like a pretty big deal to me." he grabbed my hand. "Lets get you into bed." He picked me up bridal style and ploped me on the bed. I groaned in pain. Once i was under the covers, he got a cold rag for my head and turned off the lights. 

"Thanks Calum." 

"no problem. Close your eyes, itll help the pain." I closed my eyes and he kissed my cheek.  

"Stay strong beautiful. We believe in you." he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Carson! Carson! whats the answer to number 4?" my teacher asked. 

"Um..... George Washington?" i answered, snapping out of my daydream. 

"George Washington was Thoma's Jefferson's wife?" she asked. The class laughed. 

"Carson. Pay attention or you will see me after class." i nodded. when class ended, i made my way to lunch.

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