Chapter 9

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"Avery. We did it." i said, as we were walking to our seats. The concert started in 30 minutes and we still needed to get snacks. 

"NO. You did it. But yeah, Luke called me beautiful so SUCK IT!!" she yelled. A group of girls looked over at us and laughed. 

'God Avery. Be quiet. Poeple are looking." i laughed. 

'Fine whatever. Oh i got you talking to Calum on video. " she said. "And i might have posted it on my tumblr and wattpad."

"Avery!! Thousands of people are going to see it!! I wanted it to be our little secret." i smacked her arm. 

"Ow. Sorry ill take it off. " She pulled out her phone. 

"No its fine. There's no use. Its probably all over the internet." I sighed. 

"Sorry.  Lets go to our seats." We linked arms and by the time we got to our seats, the concert was starting. 

"Hey. How was the meet and greet?" elsa asked. 


"Calm your tits Avery. What about you Carson?"

"I told him everything and he set our picture as his lock screen." i said, trying not to scream. 

"Really? Im so happy for you." She smiled. "You missed the most amazing thing. These girls tried to climb up on stage, and the security guys tackled them. They were crying as they were escorted out of the stadium!!!" 

"Really? I always miss the good stuff." Avery pouted. 

"Dont worry i got it on video. Ill show you back at the hotel."

"Oh, did you get any popcorn? We were running late so we couldnt grab any." i asked Elsa. 

"Yeah....." She said, slowly pushing a popcorn bag under her seat. Avery leaned down and grabbed it. 

"Elsa! You ate all the popcorn!!!" she yelled.

"Sorry i was hungry. Shhh. Its starting."

The lights dimmed and the curtains opened.  The boys came out and picked up their instruments. The stadium was pretty small, only about 1000 people were here, so we could see really well. 

All around us, girls screamed. elsa just rolled her eyes. 

'God. Your kind are loud!" she screamed over the yells. 


She laughed  and shut her mouth. for the next hour, they sang danced and talked about stupid things. At one point, Michael brought out a grant pig head and sang with it on. When the concert was over,we pushed our way out of the crowd and hailed a cab. Once int he saftey of the cab, we all started to talk at once. 

"OMG DID YOU HEAR LUKE IN SLSP!!" Avery yelled. 

"OMG i hate to admit it but they are pretty awesome. " Elsa said, and me and every high-fived. 

"I agree. This was the best night ever, but now i want to go back to the hotel." i said yawning. 

"What time is it?" Avery asked. 

"8:12." Elsa said, looking at her phone. 

"Do you guys wanna get some room service then go night swimming?" Avery asked. 

"That sounds like the perfect end to the perfect day." i said. When we got to the hotel, we paid the cab driver then went up to our room. 

"How was the concert?" my mom asked, watching tv.

"It was amazing!" Avery said. 

"Oh it was so perfect." i said. " Can we get room service then go swimming for about 2 hours?" i begged with puppy eyes. 

"cant we just order a pizza? Room service is exspesive." my mom whined. 

"Please. " we all got down on our knees and begged. 

"Fine. But Carson, you are sharing with Elsa and Avery. "

"Thats okay. I dont eat much." After we ate, we got our swimsuits on and walked down to the pool. Its was 10:25 and the pool was empty. 

"Yay! We get the pool to ourselves." Elsa said, taking off her towl that she had wrapped around her body. Me and avery just ran down the hall in our swimsuits. 

"CANNONBALL!!" i yelled and jumped in the pool, but  I sliped a foot before the pool and slid in on my butt. By the time my heart started working again and i came up to the surface, Elsa and Avery, were dying of laughter. 

"Its not funny. I could have died."

"But you didnt, soits okay to laugh." Elsa said. 

"Whatever, come on." We swam for 2 hours, then ran up to our room shivering. 

"Mama. We're back. " i said, closing the door. She was asleep on the couch. 

"Shh. She's sleeping. Okay, who wants to shower first?" i asked. 

"I will." Avery said, teeth chattering. 

"Okay. Me and Carson will set up the bed. The hotel room only had one bed, so we had to get 3 cots. 

"Which way does the blanket go?' Elsa asked, holding up a pillow case. 

"Elsa, thats a pillow case." i said laughing. 

"Dont laugh at me. Its almost 1am. " she said, putting the pillow on her cot. By the time we all showered and were in bed it was 3 in the morning. 

"Night guys." Avery said, falling asleep. 

That was the end to the best day of my life, even though it was already the next day. 


Hey guys!! Sorry for the short chapter. Im gonna have one more chapter, then this fanfic will be done. My next story is gonna be really different. Im gonna write Christina and Will's lovestory from Divergent. So yeah. and btw my two best friends Elsa(Sophie) and Avery(Riley) are real people and you should check out their wattpad's. Riley-  Endie_Men28 and Sophie- percabeth0816 

Stay Gucci



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