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-So! The prologue you guys just read there was a bit of a sneak peek. The rest of the book will not come on until this summer which be in a few weeks here. School ends for on the 24th, so sometime around that weekend is when I'll get back to my writing.

But toady I thought I would write the prologue since I'm just relaxing today, but I was not going to write any more. I kinda wanted a break from Wattpad and relax from writing for a while. I hope hat isn't too selfish of me. School recently has taken its toll and I am very exhausted. Doing Air testing, which is a computer test that Ohio is making schools take, and if I don't pass them I don't graduate.

I also had to take 3 test on Friday so I'm definitely spent. But when summer finally rolls around, I'll be back in my writing mood and World of War will be up once more.

So until the summer!


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