Chapter 7

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They made remarkable timing as they rode through Arula. They rode straight through Unra Valley and rested a day or two from the Umber Forest. What would take nearly a week to cross through only took a day and a half to ride through in the Umber Forest. Karma had wished to take the moment to see her beautiful surroundings, but on the back of ryder wolf, the tree and the life inhabitants passed by in a blur. In no time, they crossed into the Dwarf Clan border and headed straight to the capital where no doubt, an army of dwarves is being built and prepared for battle.

They had decided to ride through most of the night so they could cover some more ground before they camp by a creek. The ryder wolves, tired and thirsty, drank their share of the water and went to sleep. The fire in front the three travelers blazed high and bright. They each took comfort in leaning against their ryder wolves. Karma especially since she was exhausted from their journey. Just when she was about to fall asleep, she heard a rustling coming from nearby. Everyone stood in alarm. Omar retracted his dagger, Yuza with his regular dagger, and Karma rested her hands on the hilt of her sword, ready to unsheathe it.

The rustling, they discovered, was coming from inside Omar's bag. He raised an eyebrow and slowly opened it. Something brown, furry, and long jumped out and landed just a few feet away from the fire. That something was Shari, the little saber-tooth ferret. "Oh, for the Gods' sake!" Karma said and flopped back down. "You brought your demon with you!" Omar clucked his tongue and Shari came at demand. He scurried up Omar's arm and rested at his shoulders.

"I didn't bring him," Omar said giving the ferret a piece of dried of meat. "I guess he hid inside there when I wasn't looking and decided to come along." The elf smiled at Karma, who was giving him an annoyed look. He ignored her and leaned up against his ryder wolf, Grandel.

"If you don't mind me asking, Creator, but why do you call it a demon?" Yuza asked once he put his dagger away.

"Because it is," Karma hissed, and Omar chuckled.

"She doesn't like Shari and Shari apparently doesn't like her either. It's a love, hate relationship they have."

"Is not!" Karma said and Omar only laughed.

"Just remember that he did save from nearly being stabbed." Omar reminded her. Karma rolled her eyes and wrapped her blanket over her. She fell asleep within minutes listening to Samson's soft breathing.

Karma woke up with a heavy pressure being placed on her chest. Her eyes fluttered opened and she came nose to nose with the saber-tooth ferret. Shari slept peacefully on Karma's chest, so peacefully in fact, that he was snoring. Karma frowned. She picked up the ferret by the scruff of its neck. The ferret woke with a start and began to hiss and snarl. "Oh shush!" Karma said and dropped the fanged creature on Omar's chest.

He woke up with an "oof!" His hazel eyes settled on Shari then on Karma. He smiled widely. "Slept well I presume?" Omar said.

"Just keep an eye on your pet." Karma said, rolling up her blanket. Omar only laughed. They reached the capital city, Nork, by noon that day. The kingdom rested on a flat plain about a mile or so from the woods. The plains itself was big. The dwarves call it The Valley of Gold. Why they called it that, no one was for certain. Only the dwarves knew and if you were lucky enough, and if you asked one of them, they just might tell you why. The whole kingdom itself was surrounded by a brick wall. The wall had many watch towers and windows built inside of it. Only a dwarf could fit inside the wall.

The three travelers slowed their wolves down to a trot as they approached Nork. They reached the opened gate and was immediately stopped by dwarven guards. "Halt!"*1 The dwarf on the left said. "What brings ye to Nork?" Karma removed the hood to her cloak, Omar and Yuza followed in pursuit.

"I am the Creator; my business is my own and I wish to see your king." Karma said with her head held high. Normally she hated talking let some snob, but sometimes in this world saying things in that way was the only way of getting what you wanted without being pushed around. The guard dwarves' eyes widen like saucers.

"M-my apologies, do mhòrachd!*2 I was not informed of your arrival." He and his fellow guard companion bowed deeply.

"Do not apologize. For it is my fault for telling your King of my arrival." Karma said. "May we enter?"

"Of course!" The dwarf said. "I'll have someone come down here immediately to guide into the city and take you to our King." The dwarf talked to his companion in their tongue. His companion nodded and ran as fast as his short legs would take him. He returned moments later with another dwarf by his side. The dwarf, that had been talking to Karma and her traveling companions, once again spoke in the dwarves' tongue. The dwarf that had recently came bowed to Karma and her companions and motioned them to follow. "Word to the wise," the dwarf spoke again. "He can't speak your tongue, so don't get offended if he doesn't answer nor talk to you."

And with that they were off into the city. Nork was a warm, nice little village, with greenery all around them. There were sections just for shops and sections for houses. There were also gardens where the dwarves grew their vegetables and fruits and farms for their animals. There was even a section where dwarves practice their swordsmanship and other weaponry practices. All eyes turned to Karma, Omar, and Yuza as they rode through the village. They whispered among themselves. Some wondered why two humans and an elf was their city, others whispered word of rumors is why they are here.

The castle laid just on the outskirts of the village. It was grand and tall. Made from entirely of stone. There were towers that reached the sky and towers as short as the castle itself. It was a sight to see. The dwarf guiding them lead them into the stables and motioned them to the stable workers who would take good care of their ryder wolves. The dwarf then led them inside the castle, and they followed the dwarf down many corridors. Karma had a hard time keeping up the dwarf. For short legs, he's a fast walker, she thought. She saw that Omar had no trouble keeping up with the dwarf. It's only because he has longer legs, concluded Karma to herself.

They finally reached a set of wooden double doors. The dwarf put his hand up to said, "fuirich an seo,"*3 and he disappeared inside the room which led Karma to believe to be the throne room. Minutes passed before the dwarf finally came out. He opened the door wider and motioned them to enter.

*1 "halt" ~ "stop"

*2 "do mhorachd" ~ "your greatness"

*3 "fuirich an seo" ~ " wait here"

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