Chapter 10

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Karma nearly ran into the twin brothers as they abruptly stopped in front of her. She heard a sudden whoosh and candle was lit before her eyes. The twins were short and stocky, no taller than her knees. They both had long blonde hair with the same bright blue eyes. They even wore the same clothes. A light fit tunic top and leggings. The only difference between the boys were how they did their hair. One had his hair straight and the other had it braided down the middle. "What are your names?" Karma asked them once she got a good look at them.

The one with the straight hair said, "I'm Egar, "pointing to himself then to his brother, "my brother is Tgar." The other brother, Tgar, pounded his chest with his right fist in greeting. "And you?"

"I'm Karma." Karma said truthfully. She wasn't going to tell the twins that she was the Creator, and she didn't see any harm in giving the boys her true name. "I was told that you two saw what happened to your friend, is that true?" The boys looked at each other uncertainly. They looked back at her and nodded.

"Why do you ask?" Egar asked.

"Oi." Tgar agreed.

"Because was I sent on a mission by your King to find your people... and your friend. But the King has given me a deadline and I must fulfill my mission before then or you and the goblins will go into war with one another. Now tell me," Karma said taking a deep breath. "Did you see a goblin take your friend?" The twins looked at each other again, uncertain whether or not to tell her. Looking back at her, they shook their heads. "Then who did?"

"You're not going to believe us," Egar said.

"Oi," Tgar said. "no one does."

"Well I will." Karma said raising her right hand. The boys looked at each other before looking back at Karma.

"She tripped and fell into nothing." Egar said.

"Oi." Tgar agreed.

"Can you explain more?" Karma asked squatting down to reach their level. She already knew half the story, but she wished the twins to explain more. They were the only witnesses she's got.

"We were playing by the border- "Egar said.

"At night- "Tgar added.

"She ran ahead of us-"

"We couldn't keep up-"

"She turned around and starting walking backwards- "

"She tripped and fell- "

"Into nothing "

"She was just-"

"Gone." Finished Egar. Karma between the two boys trying to comprehend on what they had just told her. She fell into nothing, she thought. But what is falling into nothing? Shaking her head, she thanked the boys.

"Do you think you can show me where your friend fell into the nothing?" Karma asked. The twins' eyes went as wide as saucers. They shook their head violently.

"Cursed land-" Egar said.

"Parents forbid." Tgar added. Karma nodded. She didn't wish to force the boys into taking her there.

"Can you show me on a map, at least?" The boys looked at each other for moment. Egar nodded and his brother took out a folded map out from his shirt pocket. They unfolded it together and laid it out on the ground. Egar took out a piece of charcoal from his pocket and drew a circle on the map with it.

"Here." He said pointing his stubby finger to the black circle. "Our friend disappeared here." Karma nodded.

"May I?" She gestured to the map. Tgar nodded.

"Find our friend?" He pleaded.

"I'll sure try." Karma promised them and took the map. She stood from her crouching position and began to walk away, map in hand.

"Good luck." The twins said together.


Karma raced down the street and into the inn. She ran up the stairs, skipping two at a time until she finally reached the floor Omar was staying. She repeatedly knocked on his door. The elf answered the door in a rush. Thinking something was wrong, he had his retractable dagger in his hand. He looked down at her with an angry yet worried look. "What's wrong? What had happened?"

"What?" Karma asked. "Nothing. Look at this." Karma shoved the map in his face. "I found the twins, or rather, they found me, but neither mind that! They showed me where their friend had mysteriously disappeared!" Omar pushed the button on his dagger, making it slide back into its hilt. He gently took the map in his hands. He studied it for a while before he looked up from the top of the map, staring at Karma with his hazel gaze.

"And do you think this is legitimate?" He asked looking back down at the map. Karma sighed and quickly told him of her counter with the twin boys. "Mm." Omar thought as Karma finished her story.

"We should leave now," Karma said. "Before our time is up. We only go a week and a half left!" Omar returned her map.

"I don't think now is a good time." He said.

"Why not?" Karma demanded.

"Well for one, you're being very demanding, and I don't appreciate that, "Karma rolled her eyes, "and two, our companions are more drunk than a sailor coming back from a long journey at sea." Karma had completely forgot about them.

"Fine," she said. "Then we leave at first light and that's that."


As Karma had thought, her companions woke up with splitting headaches. They were in no mood to go out and investigated the disappearances of the dwarves, but Karma told them they shouldn't have drunken so much that night and to suck it up. Dagner though, even with a splitting headache, was the only one in a good mood. Karma had no idea how he did it. They soon checked out of the inn and made their way into the woods. By mid-morning, they made it the area where Egar had circled on the map. They made camp shortly after arriving.

They searched and searched the area, but they could not find the "nothing" the twins' friend had disappeared into. Yuza had led most of the searches, suggesting they search in certain areas. The dwarves kept complaining that the twins had lied to them, but the search never ended. The days went by and the deadline came closer and closer. The closer it came the more worried Karma became. There were only four days left before the two weeks were up and Karma was losing hope. Maybe the twins were wrong? She had thought. Or maybe they gave her given her the wrong location.

Doubt spread through everyone, every dwarf, elf, and humans. No one slept, because if they did sleep, they knew their hours were numbered. The two days past quickly and Karma had lost all hope. War was coming and there was nothing she can do or say to prevent it.

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