«Chapter 9»

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A knock at the door scares me from my daydream.

I check the time on my phone and go to check who's at the door. I had 10 minutes to kill before I had to leave.

I opened the door and sighed, I should've looked through the peep hole before opening the door. The boys all stood there, Luke was the only one with a real smile.

"Yes?" I ask and Michael bites his lip as he looks up from his hands.

"Could we come in?" Ashton asks and I look down at my phone.

"I don't know." I say slowly and Ashton nods.

"We need to talk Cal." Michael says and I roll my eyes. I knew I wasn't being fair but they never were to me, so.

"I don't have time for this, I have to go." I mumble and jump when Ashton grabs my arm when I try to get passed them and close my door.

"We need to talk, we can't avoid this anymore."

"Look-" I start but Luke cuts me off.

"I think it's time to talk this all through Cal."

I sigh again but nod and pull my door all the way open and step back inside, letting them in as well.

I close the door and look back down at my phone, sending a quick text to Dylan, telling him that I had to reschedule for maybe later today.

"Okay." I say and sit down on my bed.

"We know we screwed up, big time." Ashton started but Michael cut him off.

"We're really sorry but I just can't stand not seeing you anymore. I can't let you ignore me anymore. I miss you Cal." He says and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"We all miss you." Ashton corrects. "I can't stand not hearing your laugh in the mornings, and eating dinner with just the three of us. Everything just feels completely wrong without you Calum."

I look to the side to hide my blush and I sigh again.

"I forgave you forever ago." They all smile and I can't help but smile too.

"This doesn't mean we're back together though. I still need time to think some things over...but it would be awesome if I had three of my best friends by my side through it all." The smile never left their faces as they tackled me to the bed.

We were all a tangle of giggles and limbs as we tried to get comfy in the bed. Someone managed to kick me in the leg but I wouldn't change this for the world.

I may have ignored my phone when it went off in favor of cuddling with the three idiots but no one seemed to mind.

Everything wasn't fixed but it was a start.

And I knew that no matter what I chose to do, the boys would always be by my side supporting me.

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