Chapter nine.

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Sorry about this chapter it's kinda a filler, it's quite short but the wedding is drawing close. Excited much!:)

(Harry's p.o.v)

I woke alone, I wasn't holding anyone and no one was holding me. I was in my house alone. Louis had told me to leave yesterday and said we should leave things before they begin because it will be to hard to let go if things get more serious. But Louis doesn't see that's what I want, I want more serious. I want louis.

Louis had 3 days left. Yesterday the boys and I were over at his house finishing the plans but I wasn't contributing what's so ever, if anything I was trying to put things off.

See the thing is, Louis told me not to tell the boys about what was happening. I think Liam knows a little about it but not everything, luckily.

Today me and the lads are meant to be going shopping for our suits, I don't want to go and I know for certain Louis doesn't either. I checked my phone for the time and realised it was only 8am I still had at least another hour of sleep left, might as well make the most of it.

(Louis' p.o.v)

I woke up to an empty bed, last night I told Harry to leave and to finish things before they get to serious to let go. Once the words left my mouth I felt a pain in my heart, like someone was constantly stabbing me in the heart. He did as he was asked. He doesn't realise that this isn't what I want, the truth is I want him and only him.

Today was my 3 day countdown til' the day. Great. Me and the lads have planned to go out suit shopping but first I think me and Eleanor need to speak, like now. Time was drawing nearer.

With that thought I picked up my phone to find it was 10am, I hovered my thumb over Eleanor's contact and decided to press it before I chickened out. After a few rings she answered,

"Oh hello louis" she said loudly, to loudly for Louis' liking.
"Morning" I said bluntly.
"So your calling because?" she asked rudely.
"Can you please and I am begging you, please reconsider the wedding?" I pleaded. Eleanor sighed
"How many times louis... HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT" she screamed down the phone.
"Eleanor you don't understa-"she cut me off.
"No Louis YOU don't understand, we are getting married on Sunday and that's FINAL, UNDERSTAND THAT?" She spoke to me like I was a 2 year old.
"But Elea-" I was cut off once more.
"Louis do you understand or do I have to say it again?" she snapped. I gave up, there was no way Eleanor would give up now.
"Ye-yes I under-unstand." I stuttered.

With that she hung up. Great so the suit shopping plan is still on its way and so was the stupid wedding. ?

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