Chapter three.

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This chapter is a bit longer than the others but tell me your thoughts... I haven't proof read any of the chapters so sorry if there are mistakes...enjoy!:)

(Harry's P.O.V.)

It was now 11:30 am and I was heading over to Liam and Niall's house that they shared. Zayn used to live with them, but then he met Perrie Edwards and now they're engaged. Me and Louis used to live together too but, since he's with Eleanor now, he moved into her apartment which they now share.

I decided to walk to Liam's house because I needed some fresh air to clear my head, though it wasn't helping much because Louis was the only thing on my mind. I need to talk to someone about what happened last night and who better, than Mr. Liam Payne?

By the time I got to Liam's house, it was 11:50 so I thought I was early, as we were meant to be meeting at 12... But I spotted Louis' blue Mini parked up outside, in the driveway. I stood on the doorstep, knocked, and let myself in as we all do that to each other.

I walked into the house and heard muffled sobs coming from the kitchen. I followed them, only to find out that they were coming from Louis. Why was he crying? Have I done something? Has Eleanor dumped him? All these questions rushed through my head as I watched the delicate boy cry into his arms. Liam must have noticed me standing there as he took me out of the room, away from Louis, so we could talk in private.

"What's wrong with Louis? Is he okay? Has something happened? Was it me?" The questions flew out of my mouth because I couldn't stop them. Liam stood there with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What's so funny?! Louis is in there sobbing and you're grinning?!" I shout at him.

"Hey, hey, calm down Harry. Louis is okay, he just needs to sort his head out a bit. Maybe you should talk to him." Liam said, with pleading eyes.

I walked into the kitchen to find Louis the same way we left him. What was I going to say after what happened last night? Maybe Louis could forget, but I can't forget.

"Erm... Hi Louis, do you want to talk about whatever has got you in this state?" I asked him, bending down to the kitchen surface. Louis just simply shook his head.

"Right, well, I'm not leaving you until you tell me what's the matter." I said, demanding answers.

"G-go a-way, Ha-z," Louis said in between sobs.
"Louis William Tomlinson, tell me what is the matter now, because otherwise we could be here for a very long time." I said, trying to get answers.

"Harry, I don't want to talk about it. It'll be awkward." Louis said lifting his head, revealing big, red, puffy eyes.

"Louis, whatever this is about, I promise it will be okay and not awkward." I said, wanting to know what was going to be so awkward.

"Erm well it's kinda about... Well erm... Last night, with me and... You." Louis spilled. "What, when we erm you know... Kissed?" I asked, finding it more difficult than I thought it would be to say the simple word.

Louis and I sat in an awkward silence for a minute or two, not knowing what to say to each other. I simply wanted to tell Louis how I felt about him, but I knew that I couldn't. I looked at Louis, who was clearly in deep thought right now.

(Louis' P.O.V.)

I was up and ready to go to Liam and Niall's house. It was 10:55 am, so I head out to my blue Mini to begin the 15 minute journey to their house.

It was 11:10 am, so I was quite early as we were meant to be meeting at 12. I figured if I didn't speak to someone about what happened last night with me and Harry, it will only be on my mind for months. The second person I trust, Harry being the first, was Liam or "Daddy Direction" as we like to call him. I knocked on the door once, then let myself in. I found Liam in the living room but Niall was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh hey Louis, you're a bit early, aren't you?" Liam asked in his gentle voice.

"Erm yeah, but eh... Can I talk to you about something?" I asked, feeling my palms get sweaty at the thought of last night.

"Sure, you know I won't tell a soul, Louis." Liam reassured me with his words.

I told Liam the story, up until the point where we kissed...

"And then we kissed," I said really quiet, hoping he would hear, so I wouldn't have to say it again, though I want to scream to the world that I, Louis William Tomlinson, kissed Harry Edward Styles! But, that couldn't happen.

"Louis, you and Harry kissed?!" Liam asked, half shocked-half not shocked.

"Well erm... Yeah." I said, shyly. By this point, I was crying because I knew that I wanted to stop my feelings towards Harry, and more in the direction of Eleanor... But, I knew they wouldn't do what I wanted them to.

It was now 11:50 and the rest of the lads would be here soon, but I still sat there, sobbing my heart out to Liam. I told him everything... From what happened with Harry to me not wanting to be with Eleanor. We were rudely interrupted by a tall handsome figure standing in the doorway. Liam walked Harry out of the room to probably explain what was happening, because moments later, Harry walked back in demanding to know what happened and why I'm upset.

We spoke and then there was an awkward silence that drew me into a deep thought of what it would be like if Harry did actually like me and it wasn't just a drunken mistake. What it would be like to kiss him again, to wake up every morning to his beautiful messy curls, and what it would be like for me to be able to call Harry mine.

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