Chapter eleven.

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Here it is, the big day. Sorry that this chapter is a little late, it's quite a big one compared to the others. I've not prof read it. Just want to mention that i don't know what they say at weddings. hope you enjoy, tell me your thoughts! x x x

(Louis' p.o.v)

I was brought out of my sleep but a pressure colliding with me face. My eyes started to adjust to the light coming into the room. Standing over me was Eleanor with a pillow in her hands, that what the pressure was.

"Get up! I'm not letting you make a fool of me by being late!" she screamed in my face. Her voice made a shiver run down my spine. She hit me in the face again with the pillow.
"I said get up, are you deaf or something you twat?" she yelled again.

I pushed my feet out of bed and stood up, I nearly fell back again though. I was really dizzy and I had a pounding headache. Memories of the night before came flooding back to me. I was dizzy because she knocked me out with a plate, it didn't help her screaming in my face and hit me with pillows. I had begun to realise I wasn't just in a relationship I didn't want to be in, but I was also I'm an abusive one too. It's gone from arguing to her physically hurting me now, and it would only get worse if I marry her. I had to stop this wedding, and I have to stop it now.


Eleanor had Perrie, jade, jersey and Leigh-Anne here with her helping with we hair, make-up and dress. I had zany, Liam and Niall here with me, Harry wouldn't come. We had 15 minute before I had to leave, Eleanor was coming in 30. I was meant to get there before she does and so I don't see the dress.

I was wearing a suit jacket, suit trousers, a cream waist cost, a peach tie and a peach flower on my jacket. In my opinion I look awful. If I got to pick what I was wearing I would have, grey suit trousers, a white shirt blue suspenders and a blue bow tie. The boys had the same as me but with now ties and no waistcoats, if I'm honest they looked better than me.


It was time to leave, great. Me and the boys were arriving to the church in a black van, not my idea. We reached the front door and I hovered my hand over the handle, not want to go out of it.
"Lou, what are you doing open the door" Niall said.
"S-sorry, must have zoned out there for a second. You guys ready?" I asked trying to sound happy when in reality I was dying inside.
"Louis I think we should be asking you that, you alright?" Liam asked with concern in his voice. Shit. I remembered I told Liam everything before, I completely forgot.
" Me, yeah I'm just nervous" I said trying to sound convincing, Liam noticed it though.
"Zayn, Niall why don't you head out to the van? just need a word with Louis" Liam said.
"Ok doky mate" Niall chirped.

Liam dragged me just outside the front door and turned to me,
"Louis, is everything alright" Liam asked.
"Yeah-yeah everything's fine, come on we don't want to be late" I tried to rush him but he wasn't quite finished. He stood infront of me and examined me. His eye stopped at my head.
"Louis what happened to your head?"Liam asked looking closer.
'N-nothing I-I, I bumped my head yesterday, no big deal" I lied.
"Louis, did Eleanor do this to you?" he asked seriously. Oh god if she found out he knew she was hurting me, she'd fucking kill me. I turned around and walked towards the van, ignoring Liam's question.


The rest journey was mostly silent until Niall spoke up,
"Is Harry gonna meet us there then?" he asked, I turned to Liam.
"Niall, listen Harry, he's not gonna come. He can't make it." Liam spoke to Niall gently knowing it would upset him.
"No Harry will come, he wouldn't miss Louis wedding" he wasn't taking no for an answer. The silence fell once again.


We pulled up in front of the church, people had started to arrive. My mum rushed towards me with a smile plastered on her face.
"Oh darling you look wonderful" jay said. She must have noticed I wasn't very excited, she could always tell me mood.
"Lou, what's the matter?" she asked concerned.
"I'm ok mum just nervous, I mean what if I mess up?" I asked thinking of what Eleanor would do if I did.
"You'll be fine honey, now come along darling well get you ready." She said as she dragged me inside.

The guests had begun finding there seats, I glanced at my watch to find I had 5 minutes before Eleanor would arrive. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked around to see if anyone was looking. I clicked on Harry's name and begun to type.


Harry, are you gonna come today? x x

I quickly pressed send before I changed my mind. As I slid my phone back into my pocket, the music began to play, she's here. I took my place at the top of the isle.

The doors opened at the end of the church, to reveal Eleanor. She had a long white dress on the was covered in sequence and diamonds. It wasn't my taste. She begun to walk closer and closer towards me, this was going to be the worst day of my life.

She reached the end of the isle and was standing in front of me. She had evil written in her eyes.

The music stopped and the priest took his place,
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Louis William Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder."

He spoke for a while but now it's was time for the vows,
" Do you Eleanor Calder, take thy Louis William Tomlinson to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and to hold until death due you apart?" he asked her and said nodded eagerly and said "I do!"
"And do you Louis William Tomlinson take thy Eleanor Calder to be you lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold until death due you apart?" He asked me.

I stood there unable to speak, I could feel her eyes piercing into me. I hesitated.
" I-I-" I was cut off by the church doors busting open. They revealed a tall boy with curl brown locks. Harry.
"STOP!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, by now everyone has turned around and I was looking at Harry.
"You can't get married, I'm not to late am i?" he asked as a shock of worry passed through his face.

I felt a rush of of happiness go through my body. I noticed Eleanor's hand had made there way into fists.
"GET OUT HARRY! DON'T RUIN THIS FOR US!" Eleanor screamed back.
"US? US? THERE IS NO US WITH YOU AND LOUIS. HE DOESN'T EVEN WANT MARRY YOU, YUR JUST FORCING HIM TO!" Harry belted across the church, he began walking closer to me. Everyone gasped. My mum stood up
" Is that true Louis?" She asked. I was speechless, my mouth had gone dry.

Liam stood up as well,
"It's true and not only that she's been abusing him too." Liam said shyly.
This made everyone gasp even more than before.
" Louis tell everyone it's true you don't want Eleanor" Harry pleaded, I had to let it out.
" It's true" I whispered.

Eleanor looked like she was going to flip so her mum walked up a pulled her into one of the back rooms. Everyone starred at me and then the room filled with small whispers between people. Me, I just stood there not knowing what to do. I looked around to find some sort of reassurance. Liam and Harry were talking to one another, probably about what she had been doing to me, and then they both turned and looked at me. Harry gave a weak smile to Liam and started to walk towards me.

"Do you want to get out of here lou?" Harry asked me. I replied with a nod still not being able to speak.
" I-I, mean do you want to get out of here with me?" he stuttered a little. His question shocked me a little. I didn't think he would want me after the way I treated him. I wasn't going to mess this up though.

"H-Harry?" I asked him, making sure I had his attention.
"Do you not want to, I mean it's-it's fine i-if you-" I could tell he was getting nervous so I said what I'd been holding in.
"Harry, I love you" a huge smile had crept its way to my face. Harry's face lit up.
"You mean that?" Harry questioned it. So I answered. I pressed my lips onto his in a gentle kiss.
"Did that answer you question?" I smiled at him.
"I love you too-" Harry was cut off, but not from me, for her. Eleanor.


Left of a cliff hanger... anyway hope you've enjoyed this chapter, I've enjoyed writing it. Please tell me your thoughts. Thank you:) x x

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