Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

It's been weeks since the twerking competition with grandma and the ghost. Today was a special day. Michael and Jackie were celebrating Grandma's 70 birthday . Michael invited all of his family as Jackie invited all of hers . Their families were not familiar on the address of their house . Who would be? They don't have an address its in the middle of the woods, basically in the middle of nowhere. As Jackie was talking to he sisters , Michael was grilling hamburgers and meat with his dad and brother. The younger ones were running around the yard.

"Kids don't get lost in the woods..." Tiffany ; Jackie's sister warned as the children laughed and continued playing. Jackie left her family's conversation and rushed to grab the cake and candles. Yep , your probably thinking how much candles she got.


Grandma thinks she's turning 21 but let her dream right? As Jackie carried the cake to the yard . She placed it on the cake and decorations table. Jackie started taking out the candles and gently putting them on the cake.

"Having fun ?" Asked Demetria Michael's younger sister. Overall , Michael had 2 brothers and 1 sister. His older brother was 31 and he's younger one was 11 . His sister lastly was 18. "No the question is are you having fun?" Grandma winked as she saw Demetria's boyfriend Ronald walking up to her. They made a horrible couple.

Demetria was the type of girl that liked bad boys . But Ronald wasn't one. In fact he was the opposite . "I see you brought your sugar daddy with you." Grandma joked as she giggled at her own comment. " Grandma that's my boyfriend jeez...." She scoffed playfully. " Good evening Mrs. Fall ." Ronald said as he extended his hand for grandma to shake. Grandma smiled as she shook it. Ronald's armpits were sweaty. Grandma cringed at the horrible smell over sweat. "Hello Ronald." She said with speed as she walked away in a fast pace.

The DJ was loud. Grandma told him she wanted rap music for her birthday. Everyone seemed to he having fun well except Kyle ; Michaels younger brother

Kyle was just playing in front of the woods glaring at it. Grandmas smile fades as she stares at her younger grandson. She stops dancing with the tree and walks up to Kyle. "Hey big guy what cha looking at?" She asks."Just...starring." He responds without a glance at grandma. " Where?"She asked looking around the woods. "Hey! Kyle want to play ball in the jumper house?" A little boy the same age as Kyle came up to him. He had a ball right next to him. "Sure." Kyle responded running away with his friend.

Grandma shrugged as she went back dancing with the tree. "Grandma what are you doing?" Demetria asked as he shoved a hot dog in her mouth.

"Careful Sweety you might choke." Grandma winked as she continued to dance. " I know." She winked back. "I've choked before on a hotdog."

"Hmm really?" Grandma winks again.

"Really." Demi winks back. She continues "a really big one"


Meanwhile, Jackie was inside the house chopping up some onions for the food. She turned on the tv and watched the soap opera. As she was chopping it up her eyes began to water and burn. Why I'm I crying a lot these days? She thought as she stole some glances at the tv. Suddenly the tv turns off. She began to sweat like crazy. The lights flickered on and off as the back door where everybody was closed. Jackie was getting terrified as she grabbed the knife and pointed it to the air. "I know it's you!" She yelled petrified.

"No duh Sherlock who else could it be Michael Jackson?"

The voice from the little girl seemed to be getting closer. The girl heavily walked downstairs and towards Jackie.

"What do you want?" Jackie pointed the knife at her.

"To beat the old lady on a twerking competition!" Yelled the little girl.

"Calm down..."


"Calm down Ginger you could have a rematch with her... Where's the baby?" Jackie asked.

"Eating tacos"

"Nice... Why do you want to have a rematch with Bri again?"Jackie casually asked.

"Because I lost!" "I mean come on of had no ass but look at me right now!" Creepy Ginger turned around showing off her big booty.

"Hmm I did grow what you do to it?" Jackie still asked with the knife still in her hand.

"It's a secret ." She winked as she walked to the back door and opened it.


Suddenly, grandmas favorite song comes out.

🎶Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere

Hands in the air like we don't care

And we can't stop

And we won't stop

Can't you see it's we who own the night

Can't you see it's we who bought that life.

Yeah yeah

It's our party we could do what we want

It's our party we could kiss who we want 🎶

Grandma started twerking to the beat. The music suddenly stops as the back doors open. Grandmas nose began to flare as she knew who it was.

"I told you I would be back."

"What are you doing here !" Grandma walked up to her.

"Time for a rematch."

"Rematch it is ."


Question: Who do you think will win the twerking competition?

#TeamGinger or #TeamGrandma?


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