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Nepeta Leijon was her name, roleplaying and hunting was her game, or however that silly little saying goes. Her thoughts trailed as she sat in her room, waiting for her moirail, Equius Zahhak, to return to her. Little did she know, he wouldn't be coming back. Nepeta sighed in dismay.

I hope Equius comes back soon, he told me to wait here. Another sigh. He purrposed I read his note fur now, I have nothing better to do.

The small troll picked up the note and scanned it with her eyes. It read:

Dearest Moirail Nepeta,

I'm sorry for leaving you on such short notice. It is e%tremely important that I attend to e%ile a threat to you and everyone here. Do NOT come 100king for me, and no matter what happens to me, it may be e%ecution, I would advise, no, order you to stay there. I'm sorry, I will be 100king over you.

-Equius Zahhak

Olive colored tears pricked at the girls eyes, she understood that Equius may be dead right now, and she needed to defend him or at least avenge his death. She pondered for a moment who could possibly kill him. Then she heard something.

"honk." She heard a noise, coming from the vents in a hushed whisper.

"HONK!" Nepeta heard it once again, louder and harsher, then her brain clicked the pieces into place. Gamzee. With that one, simple thought, she leapt into action. Gamzee Makara hasn't killed him, he will not kill him, over my dead body. I will rescue Equius and nobody can stop me. The void in the young troll's heart began to grow, sucking her emotions into a whirling, overbearing, vortex of hatred. Nepeta thought then of another saying "a stab in the dark". This was quite a stab in the dark, indeed. She had no idea where she was going, but knew what to do.

The vents were dark and rattling, but with her cat-like eyes, the Leo could see exceptionally. She then heard the honking again, and she turned to face the sound. Nepeta curiously tilted her head and followed the noise of clowns. Finally, she came upon a vent overlooking a common area. Blue blood lined the floor, and bits of wood and rope were stuck in the puddled blue like driftwood. She scanned her eyes across the room, her body shivering and quaking.

"equius?" She squeaked out toward the room. A body with rope strung around his neck. It was the infamous Equius with Gamzee fuckiNG MAKARA smiling there, insanely.

"NOOO!" Was the poor girl's battle cry against the insane juggalo. He simply smirked and held up his clubs.

In the end, there was a boy who sweated too much, an insane clown with a kitty hat, and a small olive-blooded troll with claws. Which brings us to our final saying; curiosity killed the cat.

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