Jade's Walk Among The Stars

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Jade walked among the stars on a winding, dark path. The swirls of the galaxies made a star mosaic and it was a sight to behold. Jade, though, wasn't happy. She was lonely and dark. Her speech garbled and eyes glowing. She was grimdark. The darkness had engulfed Jade into their warm embrace and she had gladly accepted it.
She wasn't just lonely, she was also looking for a boy. A boy she could make the stars into. She shifted the planets in her palm to make a pair of shades and smirked.
She was going to get Dave but decided she needed the whole collection.
gardenGnostic began pestering tentacleTherapist
GG: Rose, I need you, please transportalize to me
TT: sure Jade, where are you
GG: Prospit
TT: Okay I'm here.
GG: good
Jade could feel the darkness lurking around Rose, ready to reunite with her and descend to the darkness. Next was John, the easiest one.
gardenGnostic began pestering ectoBiologist
GG: john i need help, im on prospit just meet me there
EB: okay jade
The darkness swallowed John like a delicious midnight snack and with her entourage of dark skin and glowy eyes, Jade went to find Dave.

Dave was sitting down, playing around with his turn tables, when he got a message.
gardenGnostic started pestering turntechGodhead
GG: d'!@v3 l00|/ o!uts1d3' (dave look outside)
TG: jade? oh fuck whats with you
GG: |00|<
gardenGnostic ceased pestering turntechGodhead
Dave turned to see three figures levitating outside. The first was Jade, her eyes milky, luminescent white. Her skin was smooth but dark gray, almost charcoal black. The second was Rose, in the same shape as Jade but with an avaricious smile. John was the worst. Instead of his usually care-free look, his glasses were dark and black smoke engulfed him to make an eerie effect. His face was contorted into a wicked frown.
"Holy shit." Dave breathed in. Jade rapped on the window.
"Knock, knock!" She smiled devilishly. Crash! The window shattered like crystal.
"Hello Dave." She said in her strange, garbled manner. Dave started to back up. Jade floated towards him.
"Come on, don't fight it." She smiled, extending her hand. Dave proceeded to bump into the wall, he reached for the door knob. It was too late. Jade started to press on his neck. Dave could feel his windpipe turn to dust and started to choke.
Karkat was alone when he heard Dave's voice. 'What the fuck could he want now?' He ignored the noise. 'Whatever. Strider can go fuck himself.' He smirked to himself and went back to reading "In Which the Cerulean-Blooded Troll Flushes For a Rust-Blood Who Is His Kismesis, Unfortunately The Rust-Blood is Flushed for a Mustard-Blood Who Happens to be the Cerulean-Blood's Moirail". Tap. Tap. Tap. Karkat ignored it once again and rolled his eyes. The rapping rang rapidly against the door. It came harder in short small bursts until the door busted down. Karkat finally looked up.
"What the- Dave?" He stared at the grimdark Strider, awestruck at what floated before him. He panicked, getting his sickles out of his sylladex.
"-" Dave said something garbled, Karkat couldn't quite make it out, but backed away from the grey boy. His now darkened cape flowing as he approached Karkat.
"Dave stay back, I don't want to hurt you."
The cancer could now make out his words.
"But I want you to come with me." Dave jutted out his bottom lip, pouting. He approached Karkat faster this time. His feet started tripping over one another, and Karkat nervously walked backwards faster. He fell flat on the ground.
"No please don't." Karkat said, as if death were inevitable, he knew he was already born to die. He sprang up and slashed out at Dave, who quickly blocked with his sword. Karkat growled, maybe he could buy time-maybe- no fighting was useless, there was no where to run to. Dave managed to knock one sickle to the ground and but his sword at the troll's neck. He smirked, a twisted malevolent smile.
"Drop the sickles Karkles." Dave used the horrible nickname and it was the equivalent to stabbing it with a sword 36 times in the chest. The sickle clattered to the floor as Karkat barely breathed.
"Now now," Karkat grimaced at Dave and what he had become,"this'll only hurt a bit." The sickening smile was the last thing he saw before death.
Karkat woke up to Dave and Jade arguing in clear as day tones. 'Why can I-?' He looked down and saw that a darkness surrounded his body.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" He screeched at Dave, scared. "I'M A MONSTER." He started to sniffle, but held it back, becoming angry. "I HATE YOU AND HATE WHAT I'VE BECOME AND MYSELF." Dave frowned at that.
"Karkat sshh we just helped you. Chill."
"ARE YOU-" Jade cut him off.
"We? It was you who turned him!" Jade looked pissed.
"It was supposed to be us! Me and you, together! Not you and your ass of a troll boyfriend!" She shouted at him.

//AN- quick update, I don't know where this went to but I hope you like it//

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