Knitting Needles

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     Knitting Needles

 “Rose?” Kanaya questioned entering the room, “Are you in here?”

     “Yes Kanaya, just give me a-second.” Rose’s words blurred together as she took her (completely harmless) knitting needles and put them on her bed.

     “Rose your room is a mess, do you ever clean it?” Kanaya asked, concerned at the growing pile of books and knitting projects miscellaneously strewn across the floor. Despite all Kanaya’s efforts Rose simply wouldn’t tidy up in the slightest. She carefully stepped over a large Alternian to English dictionary.

Rose waved her off with a hand and frowned, “I don’t need to, when I has much more worthwhile things to take care of.” She smiled at Kanaya slyly.

     “Rose! I know we are alone but that does not make it alright to try your advances on me.” Rose shushed her with her index finger.

     “Shhh. Be quiet no need to take…shit, talk.”

     “Rose are you… intoxicated?” Kanaya’s concern was growing for the human by the second, if she knew one thing it was drunken humans are bad. She had seen other drunken males in human movies she watched with John and knew that they could become abusive or overly happy. Kanaya just knew she had to get Rose out of this drunken state.

     “Pfft, no ‘course not kayak.” Rose slurred.

     “Í believe you are, come lay down on your human bed.” Kanaya gently guided Rose to the bed. “Now, lay down right here.” Rose flopped onto the bed and giggled. A drunken ‘wee’ slipped from her mouth. Kanaya was just about ready to facepalm but instead kept her patience.

     “Go to sleep Rose, I don’t want you to have a horrible hangover.” Kanaya softly spoke as she took the knitting needles and put them on the bedside table. Rose smiled sleepily and closed her eyes.

     “Come cuddle, Kanaya-cat!” She slurred and Kanaya crept into the bed. Rose wrapped her arms gently around Kanaya and squeezed. Kanaya tucked the covers over Rose just as she was about to pass out into a deep sleep.

     “Goodnight Rose.” Outside nothing could be heard, except the occasional, ‘STRIDER!’

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