Forgetful Scarves

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Forgetful Scarves

Eridan walked to the house. Not just any house, but a really annoying yet sort of adorable hacker boy who went by the name of Sollux Captor. He sucked in a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"ED I know it's you, you can come in dumbass!" Came the shout from inside. Eridan breathed a sigh of relief, 'this wouldn't be too hard.' He assured himself.

"Hey Sol." Eridan entered the house to find Sollux tacking away on his keyboard.

"Hey ED." Sollux seemed particularly uninterested in the purple haired douchebag.

"What's up?" Eridan asked, stuttering his 'w's like usual.

"Not much, just coding." Eridan rolled his eyes.

"Wow so interesting, Sol." A harsh glare came at Eridan's direction and he swore he could hear a muttered "asshole".

"What?" Eridan smirked.

"Nothing." Sol frowned and went back to coding.

"Okay, Sol wow you're so boring. All you ever do is code." Sollux decided to ignore this comment. " I mean all you ever do is code, what are you even trying to accomplish?" Sollux slowly closed his laptop with a snap. Eridan started to slow clap.

"Congratulations, you've taken the first step to getting a life."

"ED just shut up."

"Fine, I'll go talk to Kar then." Eridan turned to go for the door. Sollux sighed and bit his lip.

"Why were you even here anyway?" Sollux questioned the other boy.

"I don't fuckin know maybe because I wanted to talk to you." Eridan stated partially sarcastic.

"Okay," Sollux tugged the end of Eridan's scarf, " we can talk, just not about computers."

"Whatever Sol, you're so fun to tease." Eridan smirked back at him, and a light blush dusted Sollux's cheeks.

"Yeah sure." The other boy answered flippantly.

Eridan began to answer but stopped and instead said, "So Sol, I have a question."

"Hmm?" Sollux hummed his reply as he sat down on his couch.

"So what if I like my pal in more than a pal way and I don't think he likes me back?" For the second time since Eridan had gotten there, Sollux bit his lip.

"Well....just tell him." Sollux shrugged. "It's what I'd do."

"Okay." Eridan was quiet for a moment. Sollux started humming to himself as he got off the couch and Eridan were sitting on. He picked up his coding book.

"Hey Sol?"

"Yeah?" Eridan stood up, he surprisingly dwarfed Sollux by two inches since the other was tall. Sollux looked up at him smiling slightly to himself.

"I'm, uh, flushed for- you." Eridan smiled clumsily and out of nature for the uppity boy. Sollux blinked slowly, obviously frazzled. He slowly put his coding book on the couch.

"Told you he doesn't like me back." Eridan muttered to himself mostly but Sollux heard and sighed.

"God I hope I don't regret this." Sollux muttered and pulled Eridan's scarf down and kissed him. Eridan was surprised at first then slowly kissed back at him, then broke away. Sollux frowned, his internal conflict battling like two horses in a race, one pulling away but the other catching up. 'Does he not like that, is he toying with my emotions?' He worried.

Sollux was reassured quickly when Eridan blushed. "Wow Sol." He smirked again growing back into his skin almost. Sollux blushed lightly at the blonde.

"Sol, w-will you be my matesprit?" Sollux smiled back at him giving him a 'no duh' expression.

"Yes." Sollux replied.

Eridan made the first move this time. He pulled Sol in and kissed his nose. Sollux's reaction was unexpected. He buzzed. Sollux Captor buzzed and it was absolutely adorable according to Eridan.

"Sol, that's adorable." Eridan told him. Sollux smiled bashfully and blushed like a crushing school-girl. Eridan found everything about his actions adorable.

"You're so cute." He stated.

"I'm not." The other boy muttered.

Eridan wasn't taking any of it, "Yes you are!" He exclaimed. Sollux shook his head.

"Yes, you can't deny it."

"I'm not-mmph!" Eridan silenced the other with a kiss. Sollux had stiffened, surprised then melted into the kiss.

"Mmm." Sollux moaned. Eridan hugged Sol, maneuvering as to not break the kiss. Sollux fet Eridan smile blissfully against his lips and parted his own lips slightly. Eridan slid his tongue in and deepened the kiss. Sol groaned against him while Eridan slipped his hands under Sollux's and rubbed his sides. Eridan broke away breathless.

"Want to go somewhere more private?" Eridan asked, grinning. Sollux nodded, unable to speak.

"Well lead the way, it is your home after all." Eridan told Sollux, who was embarrassed for not realizing that but lead the way to his room. They went up the stairs.

"Wow Sol, this is nice." Sollux just rolled his eyes but was glad he had cleaned earlier. He sat on the edge of his bed gazing stupidly at Eridan.

"I'm going to finish what I started." Eridan smirked down at him, pushing him down and kissing him. Sollux leaned in and pulled Eridan closer. Eridan wrapped his arms around the others wiry form and licked his lips asking for entrance. A blush warmed Sollux's cheeks as he parted his lips for the Aquarius. Eridan moaned accidentally grinding up on Sollux. The Gemini gasped and shuddered in reaction. Eridan smirked and moved his hands along Sollux's sides causing him to press as close to Eridan as possible.

"Hey Sol, what time is it?" Eridan asked, remembering something. Sollux glanced at his watch and frowned.

"It's getting late." Eridan facepalmed.

"Shit! I forgot that I had promised Fef that I'd meet her to have a feelings jam. I gotta go." Sollux simply sighed at him. 'You dumbass!' He thought to himself.

Despite this, Sollux murmured, "Okay." Eridan smiled.

"Thanks, Sol, for understanding." Eridan lightly kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye." He dashed through the door like a pissed off track club member about to smite someone off the face of the Earth with just their mighty speed. Sollux sighed, feeling left a little sexually frustrated. He glanced down at his bed and noticed that Eridan's scarf was still lying there. Sollux simply rolled his eyes.


AN: Took me a while to finish this one, but I'm really happy with how it turned out! Also, this is humanstuck if you were wondering

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