Chaoter 10- Bad dreams and simpsons

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Chapter 10

Ruby’s Flashback

“Mum, Dad, I need to tell you both something.”

I wiped my sweaty hands against the denim of my jeans and let out a shaky sigh. They both sat down on the couch opposite me, it was an ugly couch with bark brown covers and flecks of stains on it. They both looked at me expectantly. They already thought I was a complete failure and disappointment what would they think of me once I told them? My breathing was heavy and inconsistent.

Dad’s cold brown eyes looked at me curiously “What’s wrong Ruby?” I almost flinched at the sound of his voice, I was afraid of what it would sound like after he knew.”

“Um...” I started unsure how to tell them “I-I’m pre-pregnant.” I mumbled quietly, I immediately dropped my gaze to the floor so I could avoid their reactions.

“What did you say?” Dad asked me sternly, I could feel his stare burning a hole through my skull. He sounded angry.

“I’m pregnant.” I said again quickly just wanting this over and done with as soon as possible.

I heard an audible gasp escape my mother’s mouth and I hung my head in shame, I hated feeling guilty about being a terrible daughter. “It’s not how you think though.” I told them pleadingly and my father stood up and glared down at me. I was in deep shit now.

“Since when was my daughter pregnant?” he growled and I tried not to meet his stare,

“I-I was raped.” I whispered and squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to force the tears back.

“Honey, who on earth would have done that to you?” I heard mum cry and I felt my chest tighten and my breathing became ragged.

“Joshua.” I mumbled as tears silently fell onto my lap and I shuddered in fear of the name. I heard my father’s hollow and dry laugh. What? Why was he laughing?

“Don’t try blaming Joshua for your mistakes; he’s a good kid unlike you.” He snapped and I gasped in disbelief. He didn’t believe me?  “He doesn’t deserve to have lies told about him from a whore like you.” He continued. Ouch. Did my own father really just call me that?

“Dear...” my mother looked up at my father but he raised his hand to silence her, he treated her as nothing more than a common house wife.

“Dad, you have to believe me!” I cried and I looked up staring into his cold hard eyes. His mouth was pursed into a thin frown and his eyes were filled with hatred and anger and I regretted looking up.

“Don’t you dare call me your dad, I did not raise a slut!” he yelled, his voice was now threatening and his eyes narrowed.

I was about to argue back when I yelped in pain, I felt something collide with my face. Hard. My cheek was burning with pain and tears poured down heavier. I lifted my hand up to my face; my cheek was hot and stung with every tear. I started shaking and kept my head low; I knew he was going to slap me again. I was right. I yelled in agony and shrink back further into the couch.  

“D-dad...” I sobbed and cowered as he stood menacingly above me with his hand raised ready for another slap.

I shot up in my bed, completely covered in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. Get a hold of yourself Ruby that was the past.  I could feel my heart beating at a million miles per hour and my breathing was loud and uneven.

It was just a nightmare. Nothing more and nothing less but still I felt like that had just happen, no matter how long ago it was. Those memories I kept in the back of my head just kept resurfacing and reminding me of things I could never forget. I brought my knees up to my chest and sat there for what seemed like eternity just trying to forget. I stood up with wobbly legs and walked through the darkness to my kitchen, I remembered what I had told Bradie earlier tonight. Why didn’t I just tell him everything? He needed to know, I didn’t want there to be secrets between us but I didn’t want him to worry about me. I went up to the fridge and grabbed a coke, I wasn’t going to be able go back to sleep so I went into the lounge room and flicked the TV on.

I sat sipping my can and watching a Simpsons marathon until it was early morning, it must have only been about three or four o’clock when I woke up because I had only seen a couple of episodes. I decided to just spend the day alone today.

Bradie’s P.O.V

“What was wrong with Ruby?”

I looked up at Andy who came and sat down beside me with a plate of bacon and eggs in one hand and juice in the other.

“Nothing, why?” I replied as I swallowed my toast,

“I’m not stupid; she looked like she had been crying when you two came back into the lounge.” He told me, shit, what should I say now.

“Uh, can’t say.” I replied cautiously, he smirked at me and picked up some bacon with his fork.

“Whatever you say dude, you know you can tell me.”

“Sorry, I can’t” I shook my head and Andy frowned looking slightly hurt, he tilted his head to one side and stuck out his bottom lip.

“Aw, you can tell me.” He pleaded, I rolled my eyes.

“You’ll have to ask Ruby not me.” I replied and stuck some more toast in my mouth, he poked his tongue out at me and ate his bacon. Shaun walked over completely unaware of what had happened,

“Band practice today.” He said “I got a new song I want to try out.” And both me and Andy groaned. “What?” he asked and I stared at him and his stupid expression.

“I hate ‘trying out new songs’ you always make a big fuss out of it and we spend basically the whole day changing lyrics and beats and shit. Admit it, you’re a bloody diva.” I told him and Andy tried to contain his giggles.

“Uh oh, I seem to have run out of fucks to give.” Shaun stated as he searched his jean pockets “Oh, wait here’s one.” He pulled his hand out of his pocket and flipped me off. Dickhead.

“Whatever but you’re just in denial.” I mumbled through gritted teeth.

“In your dreams Bradie.” Shaun replied and grinned as he turned to walked down to the garage to get his guitar ready.

“Burn Bradie.” Andy giggled as he nearly snorted his drink in laughter.

I hope he chokes on it the asswipe.


Hehe, Bradie don't say that about your step-brother x3

ANYWHO my 1D fan fic is now up c: This chapter is slightly sad AND my laptop is being a complete bitch T.T But comment/fan/vote AND I WILL LOVE YOU 5EVER!


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