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My name is Cassidy Rose and I am, was Hannah Baker's best friend, for about a year, yet I felt like I knew her for decades. Well, a few days ago, Hannah brutally left this world leaving everybody around her with a mark.

She is no longer with us. And I guess we have to move on with our life. But how? I'm totally alone in a school full of fake people and bullies and I don't want to be in that environment.

"Honey are you ready to go to School?" The smooth voice from my mother spoke clearly from outside my door.

"Coming Mom." I say while still wiping away the remaining tears from my sleepless night. I look at my outfit to see the normal casual outfit.

"Should I wear a dress or should I wear casual to school?" I ask through the phone.

"Hmm – depends, are you going to a party or are you going to study for your future?" My best friend asks through the phone making me roll my blue eyes while smiling.

"Well, that explains it." I say, while getting out a more simple and casual outfit which kind of matched Hannah's outfit. "Thanks boo." I say with a childish like voice while closing my wardrobe.

"No probs. See you at school my darling." She says before hanging up.

"Cassie, hurry your gonna miss your ride." My mom speaks.

My ride?

I walk to my window and look outside to see Tony.

I grab my denim jacket and my purple school back before throwing it on my arms and walking outside my house and mumbling a goodbye to my family.

I walk down to the street and open up the car to sit in the passenger seat. I close the door after coming in and Tony quickly starts driving.

The awkward silence corrupted into the air as I kept looking outside the window.

"So – you okay?" Tony asks while I respond with a sigh. "I'm guessing that means a no." No shit.

"The whole town expects me to be crying my eyes out." I say while looking down playing with my ring. "So, I guess I'm not." I say bringing out a sigh along with it.

"I'm here for you." Tony says.

"I know, Tony. I know." I say, hoping never to hear those words ever again. Not only were they cliché. I've heard those words more in 24 hours then any other words in my whole life.

The rest of the ride developed into an awkward silence as it felt like hours until the school building showed up in my eyes.

This horrible school.

As soon as I step foot on the floor of the school, I could already feel everyone's eyes on me. Including, Justin Foley, however the difference was, I made eye contact with him and I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

I quickly rush to my next classroom hoping to finally be alone.

People started to come in, including Courtney who glared at me as she stepped foot in this classroom. What have I done for her to hate me so much?

I hang my head down while pretending to read the sentences in my book until a known boy with dark brown hair came in and took a sit next to me.

"Hi – Clay." I said greeting the paled boy as he looked to be in a very bad state. I knew how he felt about Hannah. She told me all about him, she really liked the guy.

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now