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I walked through the hallway with lockers in both sides until I come across a colourful locker with the name 'Hannah', I take a look at it which makes me smile quickly missing my friend. A flash hits my face making me flinch.

"Hey Cassie." The guy with the camera says. Tyler. Tyler is the camera man of this school and always takes pictures. In which I look like I have just been scared because I actually was.

"Not today, Tyler." I say before walking away with a sigh.

Time to finally go home. Time to take in that offer that my mother gave me to stay home all week.


It has been three days since I have not gone to school. Sometimes I try to get off my bed but then I just fall back and can't be asked. Some nights I just don't sleep. Everything just haunts me.

"Honey, theres someone here to see you." The woman with the brunette hair more known as my mother came in my room followed by Justin Foley himself.

"I'll go make some cookies?" Mom asked.

"Don't need to." I said before standing up and shutting the door after my mom left.

The silence developed in my room as I didn't know what to do after being kind of rude to him last time I saw him.

Reminding me of the first time I met him.

I walk inside the bus and sit in a sit in the middle by myself and put my headphones on listening to the latest music.

I see a girl with wavy hair and purple dress walk inside smiling and a rather attractive boy comes in after her sitting next to her but I obviously don't listen to their convo.

"Seriously?" The boy shouts sticking his head out the window. "Hannah Baker." He screams before he sticks his head back in.

He looks around the bus before his eyes land on me and a grin takes over his face. He slowly stands up and takes a seat in front of me getting my attention as his mouth starts to move.

I take out my headphones and look at him.

"Sorry – yeah?" I said.

"Uh – hi." He said letting out a chuckle and that beautiful smile. Oh that beautiful smile.

"Hey." I said while smiling at the boy in front of me.

"You're one of the new girls." He said letting it out as almost a question. "I just – haven't seen you before." He said.

"Yeah – I am. My name is Cassidy Rose but call me Cassie." I said simply while hugging my bag which was on my lap.

"Rose – I like it." He said making me chuckle at his cute nickname in which surprisingly no one has ever used. "I'm Justin Foley."

"Nice to meet you, Justin." I said.

"Uh where is this bus going?" He asked along with a laugh coming out of his smile.

"Well – it's going to my house." I said.

"Alrighty then, hopefully its close to my house" he says.

After that we just talked until the bus came to our house and actually, his house is not that far from my house.

"So - what brings you to my humble home?" I asked while sitting back down in my bed Indian style.

"I just wanted to know if you were alive. You – you didn't come to school for 3 days straight. Just came to check up on you." He said making me chuckle.

"Wow. Now you care?" I said jokingly. I know he has a heart, it's just that he acts tough like 'love is weakness' and 'I don't care about anyone but myself' attitudes to keep his reputation.

"Actually the principle made me check up on you." He said.

"Of course he did." I said in disbelief. Why Justin of all people?  "You look like a mess." I said.

"Well – I haven't been in a very good state myself." He says making me wonder why. He seems to have such a perfect life.

"How comes?" I ask.

"Well – my mom's ass of a boyfriend is back and I don't want to – face him. Not now at least." He says making me nod.

"Well – where are you staying then?" I ask curiously as there isn't many places to live around here.

"At Bryce's." He says making me nod. Of course he was. "Why haven't you gone to school?" He asks back to the question that made him come here in the first place.

"Just didn't feel like it. If I end up going people are going to ask me questions such as 'are you okay?' And I am just going to puke in their faces." I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"I'm sorry about Hannah." He says placing both his hands on each pocket of his grey trousers.

"Are you?" I ask.

"Look I know what I did to her was fucking messed up but it was a mistake and I regret it now more then ever." He says as his dry eyes started to water.

"It's okay –" I say.

"No it's not okay." He says. "I fucking killed a girl how messed up is that." He says sitting down next to me.

The awkward silence invades the room again as I didn't have anything else to say. I had yet to know Hannah's reasons for killing herself but if it has anything to do with school then Justin will be a major reason.

Even with all of that I know that deep down he has a kind heard that just made a stupid mistake to keep his cool kids reputation.

"Why do you hang out with them?" I ask.

"Who?" He asks with a clueless face expression.

"Zach – Bryce, Marcus." I say listing the name of the popular kids at Liberty.

"I – I have to go, see you later Rose." He says.

"Justin –" I call out but he is already out the door.



I walk to Monet's to get my normal cappuccino and come face to face with Jessica and Alex who were sitting at our usual spot. Alex's face looks messed up but he slightly waves at me while Jessica looks mad.

I walk to the counter to find a blonde girl with tattoos.

"Hi." I say.

"Cappuccino?" She asks and I nod. Damn I really have an issue.

I walk towards an alone table and take a seat placing my cup of cappuccino in front of me before I start to drink it.

I hear footsteps coming closer and taking a seat on the same table as me. I look up to see my ex best friends. Alex and Jessica.

"Hey." Jessica says.

Hey guys!! Thanks for the 100+ views and the votes. I'm going to start making the chapters longer.

Vote, comment and share ❤️❤️ ttyl

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now