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Mr Porter leads me to his office room and asks me to sit down.

I pull the chair back and take a seat placing my bag on top of my thighs and look at the professor, wondering what I am doing here.

"Cassidy." He says before he looks at a paper in front of him. "Your notes are slipping. You started the year amazingly and you always were a high student in terms of results." He says before he rests his hands on the table.

"Well – I'm sorry, I guess?" I say as I don't have much to say to the man. "I have just been a little off lately – in everything."

"Is it – is it because of Hannah Baker? I mean I know you guys were friends." He says triggering the memory in my head that Reminded me of the last moment I saw Hannah – Alive.

"Mr Porter." I say quietly then usual. "What did you do to Hannah?" I ask the man.

I walk out of my science class and past me comes a running Hannah.

"Hey Hannah!" I say and she turns around, looking quite bummed out."whats up? Are you okay?" I ask gripping the books that were in my arms.

"No – I mean yeah – I'm fine don't worry." Hannah said but something about that response was off.

"Did you just leave class?" I ask.

"No I – went to talk to Mr Porter because you know my problems and stuff." She says and I nod.

"Wanna hang out sometime?" I ask my best friend yet for some reason we have excluded ourselves from each other.

"No – sorry, I – I wish I could but maybe some other time?" She asks as I look deeply onto her eyes which were red as if she had been crying rivers.

Something's up and I think its because of Mr Porter.

"See you." I say nodding.

"Hold on." She says as a worried expression feels her face. She hands me her book of geography and goes through her back pack and sighs once reaching a metal box, some radio device?

She stops out of nowhere and kind of shakes her head before placing it back on her pack and placing it on her back.

She smiles at me and turns on her heel before walking away.

I'm slow to notice how I still had her Geography book.

"Oh – Han—" I say but when I look at the girl, she's no longer there, instead I'm surrounded by other students trying yo make their way home.

"What I did to Hannah? What – what do you mean?" Mr Porter asks as I shake my head as the memory leaves my head, I stand up and put on my bag not making eye contact with the teacher.

"Cassidy." He calls out and I turn around enough for him to notice that I was listening. "We all have lost someone, just – try to move on, okay?" He says slightly smiling. A smile full of pity.

I walk out off the room in a fast pace and as I walk out, Justin Foley stands there with a straight face and his hands on his waist as if he was waiting for me.

I ignore him and I try to walk away but as I walk through the corridor I see someone walking behind me with his horrible costume.

"What, Foley?" I ask rolling my eyes as I turn around to face him.

"Why did Mr. Porter call you?" He asks.

"Why do you wanna know?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Because there's something happening right now that – I'd prefer if you didn't know about." He says looking around as if he didn't want anyone to listen to us. Even though there was no one in the corridor since everyone was in classes still.

"What?" I ask "what is it, Foley." I ask.

"I can't say but just – don't believe everything someone says and don't speak to Clay Jensen." He says.

"You can't tell me what to do or not to do." I say looking at the boy shocked.

"I'm not telling you. I'm asking you nicely, for your own good." He says and for a moment I swear I noticed his eyes moved to my lips but he walked away leaving me in the hallway alone full of questions.

"What is he trying to hide and why can't I believe it?


I walk to the sports hall as we are going to know who is going to be the best outfit for the day.

I see the heads of everybody sitting down until my eyes land on Clay. I look to my side to see Justin and Jessica as they are the nominees and Justin is looking at me and I smirk at him slightly.

I walk towards Clay and sit down next to him. Looking at Justin I see his face expression changes and it looks like he hates the world.

Someone's triggered.

He looks away and Courtney stars saying her lines.

"Hey Clay." I say to my side and he really looks like he could take a good night of sleep especially with a scar on his forehead.

"Hi Cassie." He says not making eye contact as his eyes maintained on the nominees especially Jessica and Justin in which they were "playing" with each other disgustingly at the moment.


"And the winners are..." Courtney starts and everyone around me starts doing a drum roll. "Justin and Jessica as rock lovers." She says.

Ugh. Of course they are.

Justin and Jessica start kissing as I decide to remove myself from all the cheering. Time to go home.


But before I am able to let out a sigh of relief that school is over for the day.

An unexpected person calls.

Hi guys! Thank you for 900 reads and sorry for the slow updates but I have one week holiday so I write as much as I can so I can upload more frequently.

Thanks for the love ❤️ be safe and TTYL

Q: Favourite 13rw character?
A: Sheri 😬 ( wbu guys? )

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now