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Almost getting home I hear a voice.

"Cassie Rose." The voice spoke and I looked at the park to see the person that the voice belonged to.

Bryce Walker.

"Oh – hi Bryce." I say hugging myself considering it was cold. "What are you doing out here?" I ask.

"Oh you know – just catching some air." He says with a slight smirk, the smirk that I hate.

"Well yeah – good to see you but my mom wants me home." I say and start walking but I'm stopped by the same voice.

"No – wait. I'm doing a gathering with some friends, do you want to come with?" He asks.

"No – really it's getting late I –" I say but I'm again interrupted.

"Come on, it's gonna be cool." He says grabbing my wrist in a sweet manner.

"Fine – but I can't stay for long."  I say smiling.

Maybe this will be fun and maybe even get my mind off things.

It wasn't a long walk until we came to Bryce's house and I already saw cars on the parking are and the music already blasted through the house.

I walked inside along with him. Bryce seemed, weirdly nice.

"Nice house." I say looking around at the huge garden and pool.

"Hm – nothing much. It could be better." He laughed and I chuckled.

"I guess." I whisper.

Bryce walks inside his house onto the living room, already hearing the conversations through the sound.

"Sup Bryce." I hear Zach's voice.

"Hey – I have a special guest." Bryce says before he moves out or my way and I slightly keep a smile on my face while my eyes wondered from person to person.

Zach, Markus, some players who I couldn't remember the names of and lastly, Justin Foley.

My smile disappeared as soon as my eyes stopped on his while we locked eyes for about 6 seconds, however it felt like years.

"Hey." They all said, but Justin. Keeping his asshole mode on and turning away from me.

"Hi." I said to all before Bryce pulls me to the group. The fact that I was the only girl here made me slightly uncomfortable. Especially when they started talking about how many girls they slept with and how they did it.

TMI much?

After some time by myself a person sits next to me and starts talking to me.

"Why did you come?" I turn to my side to see Justin Foley before he takes a sip of his beer.

"I wanted to get my mind of things and why do you care?" I ask looking at my juice.

"Bryce is dangerous." He says leaving questions in my head.

"Then why do you hang with him? Why is he your best friend?" I ask quietly making sure Bryce himself didn't hear anything.

He didn't respond, instead he just shook his head and stood up.

"Guys, Rose here wants me to take her home so I'm taking her home." He says before grabbing my arm and pulling me slightly forcefully but not hurtfully.

"I don't –" I start but he shushes me.

"Okay sure – cya Cassie." They say.

"Don't forget you have a girlfriend, Foley." Bryce says.


We go outside and he opens his car as I get in.

"I'm taking you home and this is the last party of Bryce's that you go to." He says while turning the car on.

"What the hell, what if I do?" I say crossing my arms.

He doesn't respond and instead he gives me the silent treatment.

We were silent for a bit longer until he broke the silence.

"I'm doing this for your own good – Bryce is dangerous." Justin says.

"Anybody can be dangerous nowadays. Everybody is dangerous." I say not making any kind of eye contact with the boy.

We finally get to my house and open the door and get out of the car ready to go and not say a word.

"Rose." He calls that annoying nickname and I turn around, rolling my eyes. "Be safe and be smart. Please." He says the last word with those puppy eyes that I adore before he continues driving.

Why does he have such mood swings? He's so confusing.

I walk up the little stairs and get inside after an exhausting and eventful day.

"Cassidy Rose. Where have you been?" My mother's voice screams through the hallway making me wince since I was not expecting that.

"I went to hang out, mom." I say.

"With who?" She asks.

"Some friend mom. I'm trying to move on, and not think about my problems." I say and I look onto my mother's eyes and I could feel the pity in them.

"Okay - fine, fine. I'm sorry. I was just worried thats all." She says coming up to me and giving me a huge hug.

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now