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It is Monday again and time for school once again, faking a smile as always and hopefully no one asks the normal question of 'are you okay?' Considering I have gotten tired of that question.

I walk towards english class and sit down waiting on everyone to get in class, including the teacher while I look through my phone.

Until I hear a laugh that I know too well. I look up from my phone to lock eyes with the Justin Foley who gives me a slight smile while I give one back.

I respect him for wanting me to be safe and let alone just for caring for me. He lets everyone think he's a douche when actually he has a soft and good heart, really really deep down there.

He takes a seat all the way in the back along with Bryce and Zach while I sit in between Clay and Sheri.

Sheri gives me a sweet smile and I give her one back, gladly she was always nice to me which is odd from a cheerleader.

I look to my left to see Clay and he still looks like a mess, I wish I could help him but with the recent events its as if it was crushing him down.

He had two scars, one on his forehead and another one on his bottom lip. I didn't want to be annoying and ask him what happened because I know how that feels.

All I know is that Hannah liked him a lot and I wondered if he knew or had mutual feelings. If my feelings were right. He did.

"I'm going with Markus." Hannah let out as soon as she came in my room.

"Are you serious?" I ask with my chin on the ground surprised since she told me she wouldn't.

"Yeah." She said clearly and simple while sitting down on the side of my bed.

"Hm. How comes?" I ask taking a seat next to her.

"I don't know." She said looking down at her fingers. "To be honest, it really was because of Clay." She says making me wonder in questions.

"What – what does Clay have to do with it?" I ask as I look at her still in her uniform.

"Well, he lied to me." She said and if she looked sad before then she looked like a truck just had hit a little puppy now. "He told me he wasn't going with anyone and then – Jeff came in and said the opposite."

"And you think going out with Markus will make you feel better?" I ask.

"No – yes – I mean – ugh. I don't know, Cass. What would you do cuz I'm freaking out!" She said, no longer sitting down since she was pacing around the room nervously.

"Well – I think I would not go on a date. I'm not going at all so, it's just me, the fault in our stars and popcorn. Cuz they never let me down." I say getting a smile from Hannah.

"Yeah that seems more simple." She says and I shrug.

"Look on the bright side, maybe you will get free food." I say and she chuckles which makes me feel better. I hate seeing my friends sad. "And if Markus treats you like shit let me know and I'll beat his ass for you." I say making her chuckle once more as we hug each other inbetween laughter.

"Wait." I say moving away from the hug and looking at Hannah's eyes in all seriousness. "Why do I feel like you have a lil' old crush on Clay?" I ask and she starts blushing and moving away from my sight while staring out the window.

I start laughing as soon as I notice that what I said was a fact.

"Hannah and Clay sitting on a tree. K – I – S – S – I –" I say but I'm interrupted by a hand who is put in front of my mouth making me be quiet.

"Nobody needs to know – so what if I do?" She asks as she is unable to stop smiling and we just start chuckling.

Good memories.

"So, today we are going to start our assignment in a group of twos." Miss says placing her notebook on her wooden table. Chatting had erupted as people started picking out their partners.

"Oh no, no, no. Don't get to excited because I have the list of the pairs." Miss  says with a devious little smile.

I wonder who she's going to put me with. Maybe Sheri or Clay? Their the only people I can have a normal conversation with.

Miss gets her paper out and started reading the names.

"Clay and Sheri." Miss says.

Well there goes that...

"Jessica and Courtney."

"Markus and Bryce."

"Zach and Jenna."

"Tyler and Micah."

"Justin and Cassidy." Miss says and my eyes widen. I turn around to see him slightly smiling at me as I smile back while Jessica is glaring at me.

I guess this will be interesting.

The lesson finally finishes and as I am picking up my bag, Foley quickly comes up to me.

"Hi Rose." He says while holding his bag against his left shoulder.

"Hey." I say.

"So since we have been put together should I come over to your house tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure but why don't we go to yours?" I ask teasing him as his face expression changes. The smiley Justin Foley had completely vanished.

"I asked first." He says constantly changing his facial expression to a more joking expression.

"Sure, fine." I say chuckling and he gives one last smile before he goes out the door to a slightly impatient Jessica.

This will be fun.

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now