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"Cassidy, are you ready?" My mom asks.

"Coming, mom." I shout while I put on my heels that go well with my purple dress. I take one last glance at my mirror.

I look more beautiful then I probably ever have. My hair was straight, I had light pink lipstick and a cute necklace that Hannah gave me on my birthday.

I smile thinking about the memory.

"It's your birthday so why don't we do a party?" She asks.

"I don't think my mother would be very pleased with that." I say with a chuckle as Hannah shakes her head while smiling. "I just want a small gathering – you, me, Alex, Jess and Clay." I say.

"Fine. I guess that's not bad for a saint like yourself." She says while I give her a light slap on her upper arm.

When it came to the party everyone was here but we were all waiting on Jessica.

Clay and Hannah were already drinking some juice and joking around. Seriously when are they getting together?

Alex and I are both waiting on Jessica, yeah Alex and Jessica had a thing apparently after the foursome faded away to our separate sides but they also broke up.

Alex wants to talk to Jessica so I let him do it at my party since she doesn't want to be with him in any other place.

The door bell rings and I smile handing my drink to Alex before I jump more excited then usual to open my door to see Jessica and...

Justin Foley?

I feel my smile fade away as my eyes land on the cold looking boy while Jessica is standing there looking already wayy too tipsy.

I look behind me to see no sign of Alex.

Poor Alex.

I put on a fake smile as I welcome them in my house. They come in hand in hand and I close the door behind them.

As soon as they get in and they hear the music they start dancing agains each other.

I barely know the guy so I'm kind of awkward that he's in my private birthday party.

I furiously walk upstairs as I hear someone coming behind me, surely it must be Hannah.

I walk inside my room, picking up a pillow and screaming into it.

Something just triggered me about that situation. Hannah tries to calm me down.

"How dare she bring a person I know nothing about to a party. My party?" I ask with anger in my voice.

"I know right. How dare she bring a peasant into your castle." She says making me laugh. She never fails to do so. "It's Jessica and she's already drunk so she does crazy things. It's Jessica." She laughs making me laugh along with her.

"Okay." I say as I slowly feel myself starting to finally calm down.

"Anyways – it is your birthday so-" she says extending the 'o'. She pulls something out of her pocket and hands it to me. "Happy Birthday." She says with a sweet smile.

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now