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The lesson finally finished as everyone around me started to pack their stuff up. To be honest, I didn't pay any attention to what the teacher was talking about as I was thinking about all the great memories I had with Hannah and how she made me feel less lonely.

Sometimes I would get teary eyed and just ask to go to the toilet. I can't cry here. Not at school. People would think I'm weak and I would become a target. Just like Hannah did.

I finally gathered the strength to get up and pack my stuff.

I needed answers.

I look up to see Clay still in the classroom and almost walking out. I put my bag on my back as I chase after him.

"Clay!" I shout. "Hey. Clay."

He turns to me and takes out his huge headphones.

"Hey – Cassie." He said with an unimpressed voice.

"Hi – uh – can I speak to you?" I ask. "In private?" He nods and follows me to the great hall which currently was empty.

"So – I really need answers – I wasn't with Hannah the days before she – did what she did and I just need to know – I need answers I can't – I can't just." I say before Clay interrupts me.

"I don't know anything either, Cassie." The boy with the brown hair said. "I'm sorry." He turned around and started walking out.

"She really liked you – you know." I said which made the boy stop in his tracks and slowly turn around nodding at me before he disappears.

I sit down in one of the chairs and feel the hot tears falling down my cheeks.

"Damn it –" I let out.

I feel the presence of someone in the room as I hear the steps of someone getting closer and taking a sit three chairs away from me.

I instantly stop crying and wipe away my wet face.

I stand up and look to my right to see the person who seems to always be following me around. Yet, he never says anything. He just stands there. Quiet.

Justin Foley.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You okay?" He asks.

"You okay?" Justin asks as he helps me up.

"Yeah – just fine. Thanks Justin." I say smiling at him placing a bit of blonde hair in the back of my ear.

I'd say me and Justin are pretty close. I mean yeah – sometimes he might act like a jerk but he has a golden heart or so I'd like to believe. And I could feel myself already falling for him.

How could you not?

"Do you – want to hang out later at Monet's?" He asks me and I instantly stop and turn to him.

"Sure." I say and couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Pick you up at 6?" He asks and I nod.

"Perfect." I say and he smiles with that beautiful smile of his. Is he even real?

"Yeah – I'm okay." I say. "Could be better." I chuckle and fake my best to smile and not show a moment of weakness even thought he just saw me crying my eyes out.

"You know – I'm sorry." He says. "I know I did what I did was fucked up but I regret it so much Rose. But I'm here for you." Those words make me feel safe and calm. Like I was no longer alone.

Even thought it wasn't the first time he was like this to me.

I was now hanging out with Justin himself. More like a date, we dressed up for it anyways. I was wearing a red dress with a black small jacket with my hair in a braid as our conversation was full of laughter.

"I can't believe you let them do that to you!" I said in between laughs.

"What could I do – if I reacted it would've been way worst. Maybe I wouldn't be here right now. Imagine how bad that would be." He said with a shock tint in his voice making me laugh.

"You are definitely something, Foley." I said before he takes my hands in his making me stop laughing and look at him in the eyes.

I felt lost in his eyes. That sounds cliché but it is the only way I can describe it.

I was lost in his eyes as I didn't notice how close we were until his soft lips touched mine making me be taken by surprise.

I gave him and kissed him back before we fell apart.

"I really – really like you, Rose." He says making my cheeks heat up.

"I like you too." I finally let out while we both hold hands.

And then we started making out. Actually, it was my first kiss. I felt like this was right and this moment was right, for both of us.

That until I felt a squeeze in my butt making me instantly move away from the guy who had a smile on his face.

"What are you-" i said before a group of boys came in as they started clapping while congratulating Justin who had a smile on his face.

"Screw you, Justin." I said before I walked out the door crying my eyes out.

I search my pockets for my phone, quickly bringing out and unlocking my phone while my hands were still shaking. I search 'Jessica' and hit dial.

"Hello?" I hear the voice from the other side.

"J-Jessica. Please, come pick me up. I'm at Monet's." I said inbetween cries.

There was no word to describe what I was feeling at the moment. I felt broken, sad, angry, unworthy.

"Okay - I'm coming. Cassie, what's going on?" She asked as I could hear her running from the other side.

"Just - Jessica just come." I said before hanging up and continue crying but wiping them instantly after they came out of my eyes not letting anybody seeing me in this state.

I look to my side to see the same boys walking out of Monet's and laughing.


Justin stays a bit behind and looks at me with a sad look but I look away not letting him get to me.

I'm never forgiving him. He doesn't deserve it.

After some time a car quickly stops in front of me as I quickly get inside.

"What happened?" Jessica asked as she continued driving.

"Justin and jerks happened." I said wiping away my tears leaving makeup all over my face. I look at the mirror as I wipe all of it away.

"I'm sorry, Cassie." She said keeping her eyes on the road. "You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay. Yeah - nobody does." I say.

It's moment like this where I love having Jessica and Hannah by my side. I love them and they are the best friends anyone could ever have.

Or so at the time I thought.

"Sure, Justin. When are your friends showing up to laugh at my face." I say irritated with all this 'bs'.

"Wh- no one is coming, Rose." He said using his nickname.

"Don't call me that." I say not making eye contact with the boy.

I stand up and walk towards him.

"Please, just leave me alone, okay?" I say with a pleading voice before I walk out without any response.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter but I promise they will get bigger. Stay tuned!

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Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now