• 12 • The Finale

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After the dinner, it was like everything changed in my life.

Me and Justin started a relationship, Jess seemed slightly angry at me after she saw us two together which was kind of worrying.

Justin's step father finally moved out, well he was forced actually due to Justin's mom's discovery that he was taking her money to buy drugs.

After that, Justin seemed happier but sad at the same time that his mother felt lonely but my mother and her became even closer friends. The best friends I would say.

But most importantly it is the day that made me feel as happy as can be after what happened to my best friend.

Me and Alex became close again and as for Jess, well maybe one day.

Justin for some reason stopped talking to Bryce but he decides not to talk about it.

And now, me and Justin are at Monet's. Celebrating our one month. Obviously it's not that big but it was still important.

"Cappuccino for you, I bet?" Justin asked with that crazy smile that I fell for. I nod as he brings our orders and sits in front of me while I don't take an eye off of him.

"Stop staring." He says. Making me break eye contact and smile.

"I guess you're just too beautiful." I say.

"Aren't I supposed to say that?" Justin says making both of us chuckle.

"Well, I guess you're not too late." I say taking a sip of my cappuccino teasingly.

"Well, Rose you are the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure to meet inside and out." He says making me fall even harder for him and making me drop the backup plan I had in case this relationship doesn't work out.

I'm certain it will.

"Hannah would be confused seeing us together, but I know she would be happy for seeing me happy." I say, which I regret as my happy thoughts turned to sad thoughts of memories of my best friend and I.

"Hey – don't think depressingly." He says putting his hands comfortingly on top of mine. "I know you haven't forgotten but – in fact you probably never will which is fine but just – don't let it destroy your life." He says making me feel slightly better. "In fact I bet she's in this place right now smiling at you."

"Why are you being extra nice today?" I ask curiously. Whatever it is, I liked it.

"I'm trying to be a better boyfriend because according to Jessica I only cared about myself so-" he says and I laugh as he joins.

And that was the start of a new journey, a journey where I will get more wisdom and strength but most importantly more love and memories.

"One day you will have kids and I will be their Godmother." Hannah says smiling while we walk happily to class.

"Imagine I don't." I say being the negative person I am.

"Oh, yes you will." She says. "I will make sure of that."

And she did. She brought me and Justin Foley together, she was my guardian angel.

And she always will be.

"Ready, Rose?" Justin asks standing up and taking my hand.

"Ready, Foley." I say smiling as we head to the exit.

As soon as we get outside I realise something.

"Justin?" I ask.

"Hm?" He responds.

"I think we forgot to pay for the drinks." I say with a smile rising on my face.

"Shit!" He says before he grabs my hand and starts running the opposite way of Monet's while we full the air with laughs.

"Foley!" I shout!

And for once in a really long time. Life seemed perfect.

And that my lovely readers is the finale of this book.

Thanks for being amazing readers and thank you for all the love you have given this fanfic.

Love you always ♥️

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