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I haven't spoken to her since my first party in this town and after that she moved places which sucked before we actually talked a lot and I really related to her.

"It's your first party! Isn't it exciting?" My mom asks enthusiastically making me chuckle at how happy she was for me.

"Yeah – and I'm going by myself." I say while looking at the huge mirror in front of me in my room.

I was wearing a pink shirt along with ripped black trousers and no jacket since tonight was a pretty hot night.

"Well, it will be good. Oh – maybe you will even find new friends." She says clasping her hands together.

"Hopefully." I say with a slight smile. I was in a real need of friends, it has come to the point where I am desperate and lonely even though I only arrived two days ago.

"I love you sweetheart. Have fun – not too much fun and don't come late." She says.

"Sure, mom. Good night." I say while opening the entry door to leave my house and make my way to the party. Hopefully it will be a good one.


"I finally arrive at the party and everyone is already there. I walk inside and I get some dirty looks from some girls which I brush away because I don't want my first impression to be 'the girl who punched another girl'.

I want to be nice.

As I walk inside my shoulder goes against someone making us look back at each other. A boy a little taller than me with light brown hair and blue eyes and, an amazing smile smiles at me and slowly walks away leaving me with dreamy eyes.

I get awkward really quick since I don't know anyone so I just walk towards the drinks table and grab myself a drink with juice. Don't want to drink alcohol on my first party.

"Hey-o." Someone says walking closer to me. I look towards the person to see a girl with long blonde hair and she was really pretty.

"Oh – hi." I say and mentally slap myself for being so awkward just by greeting someone.

"You new here?" She asks grabbing a cup also and starts walking towards the outside of the house where two boys were playing with each other and water started shooting at them. Gosh, this is the crazy I need in my life.

"Look at these boys. Totally hot but also totally missing something in the head." The girl says making me laugh.

"I'm Kat by the way." She says.

"I'm Cassidy Rose but feel free to call me Cassie." I say with an honest smile. "Pleasure." I say.

"Hey! Stop! That's enough." The girl who's name I already knew shouted out and both boys stopped their water fighting and got up.

One of them I remembered from early.

I look to my side to see a girl with a red dress and curly brown hair who looked amazing and was also looking at the boys.

I look back at the boys and notice one of them looking at me and giving me a grin. I smile back at him before looking down at my feet.

"Oh my God. Look at yourselves." Kat said putting a hand on her waist.

The boy I had bumped against earlier rips his shirt off leaving him shirtless showing his tattoos. One across his chest and a ring around his forearm.

"Better?" The boy spoke.

"Improvement – for sure but sorry, still a no-go." Kat said making me chuckle and the boy chuckled along with me still with his eyes on me until I went back inside.

"Anyways – welcome to Liberty." Kat says. "I'll give you a person tour."

"Person tour?" I ask.

"Go-tos and the non go-tos." She says before turning around and looming between the mess of people. "There." She says nodding towards a boy who seemed tough and dirty blondish hair. "That's Bryce Walker. He can be a sweetheart sometimes but he can be a player sometimes so be careful with him."

I nod as the boy looks at me and winks giving me the chills already. Yeah, I'll remember to stay away from him definitely.

"And over there is Clay Jensen – totally sweetheart and someone you should go to for questions any time. I have known him since my childhood." She says placing her hand on my shoulder. "The boys outside were Zach Dempsey and Justin Foley. Zach is the taller one and Justin is the crazy one who took off his shirt and he's also known as my current boyfriend." She says

"Oh – well – congrats." I say with a forced smile. Of course he has a girlfriend.

"Yeah – but since I'm moving. I don't know if we will last." She says. Anyways new girl 2.0, nice to speak go you but I have to go talk to more people – you know – full rotation." She says making me chuckle before she disappears.

I accept the call and place the phone next to my left ear.

"Hey – Kat?" I say.

"Hi Cassie." She says, definitely noticing a voice change as she sounds less vibrant. "You okay?" She asks.

"Better after a few days – what about you?" I ask.

"I don't know – I feel – weird I definitely feel weird." She says.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"I feel like part of it is my fault because – after I left I suggested her to go with Justin and – maybe if I hadn't." She says and she went dead silent for a while. "She'd be alive."

"Don't blame yourself you didn't know what Justin could do, okay?" She says. "I mean – I was her best friend and I also should've done something." I say making me instantly sad.

"How's everything there." She says through the phone.

"Well the school is full of posters to precent suicide. But their obviously only doing that because of the school's reputation."

"I just really wanted to talk to you – I needed to talk to someone at least." She says.

"Yeah – you can always call." I say. "I'll keep you updated, okay?" I ask.

"Yeah – cya New girl." She says through the phone before she ends the call.  Leaving me slightly smiling at the name she called me before hanging up bringing me memories of that one good night.9


I finally get home and I walk inside my house to be greeted by my mother as always.

"Hi, honey. There's a friend here to see you."

Rose • Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now