Why does she look like me?

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So it's been a very fulfilling week. I have to go to the Dolan's house after work so Ethan and I can finish our project. I got my journal out to write about my day so far.
So, it's Friday and all of my friends are going out, meanwhile I have work and also homework. Homework, with a vampire. Damn, what is going on? This is ridiculous. I sound ridiculous. I feel like I'm in one big dream. Things literally can't get any crazier. I guess I'll find out soon enough, if they can.
I put my journal back where it was and grabbed my purse. I slowly got out of the car, when Ethan pulled in.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Got called in." He added and I laughed at him.
"Oh hush it!" He yelled," I don't want to be here at all!" He finished and I agreed with him.
After work, Ethan told me to just ride with him and we'd go to his house. We got in the car and it was pretty silent at first.
"I have a question?" I looked at him.
"Yeah." He said reassuring me to continue.
"Why are you in school?" I asked. He looked at me and back at the road.
"Well, it's been a while since I've went and decided I'd just go again," he paused, "you know, we have to leave town for a while before we can come back, so people don't notice that we haven't, changed." He explained.
"So, where do you go?" I asked.
"Different town, different high school." He replied, "but this is our hometown, so we like to come back a lot." He said and I nodded in response.
I woke up with my textbook on my lap and a crick in my neck.
"Ethan!" I called but no answer, "Grayson!" Still no answer. I walked up stairs and into the bedroom with its door open. It had a huge bed and antique furnishings. I walked to the dresser and picked up an old picture. It was Ethan, Grayson, and what looked to be their parents. I walked over to a stack of books and ran my hand over the top of them, accidentally knocking over a couple. There was a smaller book that had thin rope tied around it, holding it closed. I played with the knot until it fell open. When I opened the book a picture fell out and before picking it up I read the top of the first page. I quickly realized what it was and closed it. It was his journal. I reached down and grabbed the picture. I flipped it over and was astonished at what I was looking at. It's me. Only, a 1900s version of me. What am I looking at? How am I looking at this? I have a series of questions and absolutely no answers.  I heard footsteps and decided I wasn't going to hide the fact that I had found this.
"Hey, sorry, we wer-" Ethan stopped talking when he saw what I was holding and I looked into his eyes. I was completely confused. I've never been more confused.
"Ethan, what the hell is this?" I asked, "Why does she look like me?" I asked another question but with more anger in my voice than before. He was speechless, he couldn't find his words.
"Stop standing there with your mouth open, like your waiting for a dick and answer my damn question!" I yelled.
"She's your parallel." He stated.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you correctly, my what?" I asked with sarcasm because I did hear him. I just couldn't believe him. Why am I so hurt by this? Why is this so disappointing to me?
"Ember, I'm sorry. Please just listen." He walked closer to me.
"I can't. I won't." I stated before walking towards the door.
"Please." He said grabbing my arm as I walked passed him.
"Let go of me." I said sternly not turning to face him. I felt him let go and I continued to walk. I felt an accidental tear fall from my eye. I turned towards the front door only to be stopped by Grayson.
"Woah! Where you going?" He said jokingly until he saw that I was upset, "hey, what's wrong?" He asked sincerely.
"I just want to go." I said crying harder. I couldn't believe I was so hurt by this, by Ethan.
"I'll drive you, let me get my keys." Grayson said before walking to get them.

So, if I don't update for a while it's because of something very personal and I'll update as soon as possible! I promise! See ya lovelies!

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