He Won't Hurt You

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Ethan and I talk for a while and decide on a plan. We make our way in to the living room where Grayson and Lilliana sit in awkward silence. I don't think they have the best friendship or really a friendship at all.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Grayson asked while he and Lilliana turn their attention towards us.

"Lilliana we're going to ask that you take Ember's place." Ethan says, and her eyes widen.

"Are you crazy?" She blurts.

"You will pretend to be Ember, and Ember will pretend to be you." Ethan responds.

"That'll never work, she can't act like me. That would take years of work. She doesn't really even look like me, I'm way better looking." She looks at me with an attitude.

"Um," Grayson clears his throat, "Lilliana....you guys look the same." He says and Ethan giggles.

"Look, Lilliana it's the only way to prevent him from getting what he wants. He's dangerous enough without his siblings being just like him. You can fill me in on everything that he's been telling you." I say with desperation trying to get her to go through with it.

"You wouldn't pass for me." She smiles sarcastically.

"You wouldn't pass for me." I copy her.

"I don't talk like that." She raises her eyebrows.

"I don't talk like that." I copy her again.

"Actually, she's pretty spot on." Ethan jumps in and Grayson agrees with him.

"Fine, but if this goes wrong our deal still stands, Ethan." Lilliana turns to face him.

"Agreed." He nods.


Lilliana updates me on everything Julian has been telling her, and we start working on the plan.

"Okay, so you're going to go in with me, and I'm going to act like I'm knocked out. Just tell him you snapped my neck, that's the simple part. The hard part, is making sure he doesn't kill me. He's got a witch who will perform a ritual with "your" blood that binds him to you. He'll take a small amount of it at first. Then if you fail, and you better not. He'll drain me. When the witch starts to do her witchy woo stuff, that's when you'll take her out. Ethan and Grayson, will deal with Julian. They're going to have Starla do a spell that will stop his heart. Then we'll be good to go." She finishes and I take in all the information.

"Just one question, why do we have to swap places again?" I ask in fear that I'll mess this up.

"Because, you're the parallel. When you were born my blood was no longer pure, being that I was the parallel at that time. Make sense?" She asks.

"Yeah perfect sense, but you're telling me there's more people out there that look like us. Who?"

"Oh you're full of questions and that is a conversation for another day mini me." She raises her eyebrows and gets up to head inside.

I take a breath of nervousness and take it all in. That's crazy, how far back does this go? How many people look like me in the world? I guess I can worry about it later. I walk inside and Ethan meets me in the hallway.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"No." I shake my head and look down.

He grabs my cheeks, "Hey, I promise, I will not let anything happen to you. I will get rid of him. He won't hurt you. Okay?" He says and I nod my head, "okay, let's get ready to go."

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