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It's my fifth day in the hospital; five tortuous nothing to do, eat the slime, no television days. The doctor said my wound is healed but not completely, so I might have to stay for a day more or I might be sent home tomorrow.

Well, do you know what is coming soon? My birthday! That's right and I am so nervous. I am going crazy wondering about it. The more free time I get, you have to see the mountains I craft with my thoughts.

Also, Tom has been acting strange and weird these five days. He didn't allow anyone from my family to see me and that's fine by me, no worries. However, he used to come in randomly... just looks at me weirdly and then will go away kissing my forehead, saying nothing. Maybe, he is also concerned for me, considering my birthday is around the corner. Yay! Pfft.

I wonder how a normal eighteenth birthday would be. Even if I am not having these threats in my sleeves, I would have sulked in my room, eating something calorie building and looking out from the windows or I will be on my bike, riding. But, that would have been better than eating my worries and getting me a heart attack.

Ooh, and the strangest thing happened. One day, it must be my third day or so, Tiffany came surprising me. She was sniffling and was not wearing any makeup, no fancy dress, and no kill-her high heels. She was looking completely normal and strangely, so beautiful. She too, looked at me for a while, smiled- an actual human smile and walked away, again saying nothing. For the complete ten minutes she stood by me trying to speak, she looked distraught. 

Weird! A weird family, weird everything, and my insides are squirming, jittering and screaming. I have peed nine times already and I am having this urge to pee again. I wonder what made Tiffany into a crying caring maniac. I just want to get out from these white walls, white beddings and my white gown and my white lies life. All these whiteness are suffocating me.

Only three more days until my birthday and here I am in my hospital bed, thinking and screaming internally. I looked at the clock and it's one in the morning. Damn! I haven't slept at all. Luckily, tomorrow I will be sent home. My IV was taken away sometime in the evening. So, I slowly got down from my bed gingerly and walked to the center of the room.

All this time, I was being supported by nurses or Tom for even walking, so I am not sure if I can do this alone or not. Surprisingly, I am perfectly fine to walk on my own. So, I slowly turned on my sides, bending down like exercising. Even though there was a biting pain in my wound, there was nothing much wrong with me. Then why am I spending time in the hospital? 

I sigh again and sat on the sofa next to the bed. My stomach grumbled and I looked at my dinner tray. There was a bright apple left and I ate that. Food from the hospital was so bad. I can't believe I lived on it for all these days. Unfortunately, uncle didn't get my any fancy foods from the outside after that one time and neither did Stephen. He didn't even come. Simon seems like he didn't care at all and that's fine by me.

But Pete cared... a lot! Even that handsome hunk cared. Coming to them, I haven't said what happened after I left them in the diner, didn't I?

I walked out, really angry at everything; not just Seb being in the diner. So, Pete ran after me and confronted me, demanding an explanation for my behavior. Man, he is damn stubborn; more stubborn than me when being on periods. He demanded an explanation and all the torment in my heart, brain, and soul just... fell down. I fell to my knees but he held me in his arms and I cried. I cried to my heart's content and never once did he interrupt. He held me and that was all that I wanted.

When I was fine... he walked me back to the diner and brought me three scoops of ice cream. Cookies and cream, chocolate, vanilla and some other flavor along with so many chocolate sprinkles, chocolate this that and chocolate syrup. Luckily, Pete decided to share my ice cream and I ate only half of it. Oh, don't get me wrong, I can eat a whole tub of three ice creams without any interval, but at the moment, I didn't feel like it.

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