chapter 2♡

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Bellas POV

The car ride with Niall was unusually silent,which is pretty weird coming from Niall. Usually he's cracking up jokes or singing along with the radio. Something is off.

"Niall,whats up with you? Your super quiet today." I asked him,turning my head towards him.

"Nothing is wrong,love. I was just Up All Night,working on a song for the upcoming album." Niall says,quickly glancing at me before looking back at the road. {A/N: see what I did there!? (; }

"Well,if your feeling to sleepy,we could head back to my place. I understand." I said,sending him a small smile.

"Nah I'm fine. Everyone is already waiting for us,plus I'm hungry. We should all go to Nandos!" Niall says,rubbing his stomach,showing how hungry he was.

I started laughing. Oh Niall, is always hungry. His stomach is like a bottomless pit,he eats A LOT but still manages to stay fit!

Niall chuckled,focusing back in the road. I pulled out my phone,before checking my Twitter.

We finally got to the parking lot and Niall and I entered the mall.

"Niall,did they tell you where to meet them at?" I asked looking up at him. he was a bit taller than me.

"Yeah, they said to wait for them at the food court 'cause they're at Shoe Palace with the guys." Niall says looking back down at me.

"Well then. Can we go to Starbucks?" I asked him,getting my hopes up.

"Yeah sure. My treat. " He says sending me a smile.

"No. I asked so I'm paying." I said looking up at him again,returning his smile.

"We'll see about that." He says as we we're heading to the line.


A/N: so there are the 2 chapters hope you enjoyed. vote & comment. I need to know how I'm doing. I'll update soon even though no one is reading. lol. well... bye xx

~ Kians_kitty_x

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