chapter 23♛

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Tuesday-Bella's POV

I woke up with my phone making a single 'pop' noise, signifying that I had a new notification. I rolled over to where my phone was which was on the nightstand next to my bed. I grab the phone and look at my lock screen, smiling when I saw the picture of me and Niall at the beach. I check the notification.

It was Twitter. I click on the Twitter icon to check what was up. A new person followed me. Surprisingly that person was the one and only Annabelle. I was shocked actually,we haven't talked since 8th grade when she moved to New York, now we're in senior year. Sky was right, she really did change, she now had black hair with blue highlights. She had an eyebrow piercing,but she was stunning.

She changed her look but it suits her, she looks beautiful. She's always been really pretty but, this style just adds more to how pretty she is. I look at the time, 8:30.

"Shit." I curse under my breath. I take the red comforter off my body and place my pillow beside me. I quickly get out of bed and take a fast 15 minute shower.

I go to my drawers and grab the first thing I see, which happened to be a striped cut off tee and light washed jeans. I put it on in a hurry and grabbed my red flannel,before putting it around my waist. I quickly slipped on my white Dr.Martin boots. I made my hair into a messy bun, because I'm too lazy to do anything else, and placed my black chocker around my neck.

I grab my black side bag and my keys. Before heading out I grab a breakfast bar to eat on the way. I lock the door to my house and get in the car soon driving to school.


I sigh and grab my bag from the passengers seat. I'm now almost an hour late for school. I'm sad that I didn't get to hang with the others before school had started but whatever.

I get out of my car and make my way towards the entrance of the school. I see Niall's car parked in his usual spot. He still hasn't texted me back yet.

I don't know if it's something I had said or,if it's something I had done. I walk straight to my locker,not caring that I'm an hour late for school. I put in my code to my locker and put my backpack in it.

I grab my mathematics textbook and my notebooks for two more classes. I shut my locker and walk through out the school,until I finally make it to math class.

"Ms.Gomez,care to explain why you are late."My math teacher,Mr.Evans,calls out to me as I sit down in my seat. My seat was an empty one to my left and Luke sits in the one beside me on my right.

"You okay?"Luke asks,as the teacher turns around upset that I didn't answer. "I guess,I just woke up late."I tell,before resting my arms on the table. I then lay my head in my arms,and zone out.

"Mr.Horan,why are you late?"Mr.Evans snaps. "I don't know."He says,his voice raspy like he's been crying or something. I don't bother to lift my head up. I know if I try to say something to him,he'll ignore me."Did you and Niall have a fight?"Luke asks,tapping my arm.

"No. We didn't."I say with a sigh. "Oh. Well if anything is wrong, you can talk to me okay?" He says, giving me a light squeeze on my shoulder.

"Thanks Luke." I replied with a faint smile.

I don't know what's wrong with Niall. He didn't reply to my texts yesterday nor did he call me or anything really. I'm actually very scared. What if he decided that we didn't work out and he wants to break up? What if he found someone better than me? I was lost in thought with my 'what ifs' that I didn't hear Mr.Evans call my name.

"Isabella Gomez!" He calls again with a hint of irritation.

"Huh?" I reply clearly clueless of what he was teaching.

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