chapter 17

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A/N : Hello Kitties! yes 'kitties' is my new nickname for all my readers. welp if you have any ideas for my book that you think would be great, please don't be scared to messege me. I don't bite. Well im gonna stop 'talking'. Happy reading!! (:


Bellas POV

After a good four hours of swimming around the pool and just plain goofing around and having fun outside we finally decided to go back inside and relax. We were now in the living room sitting down and talking.

"I'm bored, lets do something fun, yeah?" Louis said with a smirk on his face

"No crazy Ideas lou" Elenour said

"Don't worry babe" Lou said while putting his arms around her shoulders

"what's your idea of 'fun' louis" I said to him narrowing my eyes playfully at him.

"Lets play spin the bottle!" Louis said.

"Yeah, I don't think so, I don't like the Idea of kissing anyone else but Liam" Ashlee said, I smiled at Niall, thinking the same thing.

"Maybe Truth or Dare?" Zayn suggested.

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea." Liam said, kissing Ashlee's temple.

"Yeah that's fine." Louis implied. We all sat down on the carpet, in a circle.

"Okay I'll go first since it's my house, I want to dare Ashlee" El said smirking.

"Jesus! Why me!" Ashlee said pouting. "Just because I'm sexy huh" She teased.

"Yeah, sure, um Truth or Dare?" el asked, anticipation filling the room.

"Truth" She spilled, El thought for a second & then said "If you weren't dating Liam, who would you date from the boys?"

"Umm.. Umm.. I... Harry.." She said but then held Liam's hand. Harry smiling awkwardly. Everyone was quiet until Louis said "Next! I dare Liam!". Liam looked jealous from what Marina said so he simply sighed.

"Don't worry Liam, I love you & only you!" Ashlee said kissing his forehead, making him blush.

"Truth or Dare?" Louis says.

"Dare" Liam says and everyone gasps.

"I dare you to eat a raw egg, tuna, gummy bears, onion, milk, a spoonful of salt and then go skinny dipping." Louis says.

"Really?! My baby is going to vomit" Ashlee whines.

"Let's do this" Niall says standing up. We all soon go to the kitchen and Liam starts eating the raw egg. He scowled, and swallowed it soon making a frown & eating the next few objects. We watch him in aww, and then head out to the pool.

"I hate you Louis!" He says taking off his swim shorts.

"Girls turn around" Niall says covering my eyes.

"Except for Ashlee" Liam says and winks at her making her blush.

"Go Liam!" I hear louis say. I hear a splash, and hear Liam saying "IT's soo cold!" Louis laughs and I turn around to see Liam covered in a towel, hair dripping.

"Louis you are so mean!" El said handing Liam his clothes. Liam went on to the bathroom, to change. We all went back. It was Ashlee's turn. Liam came back & we all sat down.

"I want to do.. Louis." She says. "karma is a bitch Lou."

"It is isn't it." He says glaring.

"Truth or Dare?" She says.

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