Chapter 14

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Bellas POV

We finished eating our pizza & continued watching our movie. I suddenly felt tired and yawned. Niall heard my yawn and turned to me.

"You tired princess?" He asked facing me

"Yeah, A bit, but i want to finish the movie with you" I said. He placed a pillow on his lap and motioned me to lay my head on the pillow, so i did. Once I was comfterable he started to play around with my hair, after a few minutes I drifted off to sleep.

Nialls POV

"Babe! I finally managed to make a braid on your hair! It's small... but whatever!" I said with excitement clear in my voice. I heard no response. I bent forward and found her sleeping. She looked beautiful, she looked like an angle when she was sleeping. I decided to leave her as she was so i wouldn't disturb her. After a few minutes the boys came in the living room quite loud. Isabella stirred a bit.

"Lads, shh, quiet down, you're going to wake Bella" I said looking at them

"Sorry mate, we didn't know" Liam said

"It's Okay" I said stroking Bella's hair

"You really do love her huh?" Zayn said sitting down

"Of course, she's my princess" I said looking down at her and smiling

"I just know you guys are going to last a long, long time" Harry said with a smile

"Im sure we are, I'll never do anything to hurt Isabella" I said "I love her too much to hurt her" I said

"Well aren't you guys just adorable!" Lou said with a smile. We talked for a few minutes careful not to wake Bella up.

"Okay, Im going to take Isabella up to my room, don't make to much noise because we'll be sleeping" I said carefully picking Bella up bridal style & heading up stairs.

"Use protection" Louis yelled

"Be gentle with her" Harry said chuckling

"i'm not going to fuck her! She's sleeping" i yelled back a little annoyed but still chuckling. Bella already looked comfterable in her clothing so I just tucked her in bed and gave her a light kiss on her forehead. I changed into my sweats and a white T-shirt and layed down next to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep.

Bellas POV

I woke up listening to someone speaking, i realized it was Niall so i turned around in his hold. I soon realized he was talking in his sleep. Which is a big habit of his. Except tonight he was sobbing.

"I'm sorry Bella, please don't leave me, I love you princess" He said sobbing as he tightened his grip around me, pulling my body closer to his. He was still sleeping.

"I'm here Niall, I won't leave you baby, I love you" I said while running my fingers through his hair. After I ran my fingers through his hair a couple more times he calmed down. I gave him a kiss on his cheek & went back to sleep since it was just 2am.


A/N~~  HELLO LOVES !!!!  I hope you guys liked the chapter. Its crappy but.......... whatever.

vote & comment. Bye!

~~ Stypayhorlikson4421

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