Chapter 18

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Hello Kitties. <33 im so sorry for a VERY LONG wait. I've just been very busy & depressed and i felt like not doing anything. I think i'm going to delete this book. i don't know, im thinking about it. well..... enjoy.


Isabella's POV

"Dare..." Elenour said. I thought for a few minutes and finally got the perfect dare. I looked at her with a mischevious grin.

"okay, El, I dare you to read your last texts with Louis, out loud" I said with a smirk

"I'm not doing that!" El says looking offended "Thats called invasion of privacy"

"So you're saying it's something bad?" I said looking innocent

"Of course not" El said

"Okay then, read them" I said

"Fine, I will, bitch" She said whispering the last part giggling. She got her phone and unlocked it. She waited a few minutes before reading the texts out loud.

"Okay the first text was me in my bikini at my Hollister photo shoot" She described " and he responded with 'mmm baby, just wait till you get home" El said with a red face as she finished reading. Louis was looking down clearly embarrased. Everyone stayed quiet and looked at eachother. Out of nowhere we started laughing like crazy!

"I didn't know you guys did that!" Harry said laughing hysterically

"Oh shut up Harold," Louis said "Okay enough, who's next?" Louis asked

"Zayn is next" Niall said.


after we finished playing our little game of truth or dare we watched Paranormal Activity 4 (A/N: i know its not that scary but it's the first thing that came to mind). I absolutely despise scary movies, I get scared with every little thing. Niall noticed I got a bit tense.

"Bella are you okay love?" He asked

"yeah I'm fine" I said

"babe, Im your best friend and your boyfriend, I know you hate these types of movies, ya sure ya wanna watch it?" he said

"Yeah, I'm sure I don't want to ruin it for everyone else." I said with a fake smile.

"If you get scared you know who to cuddle with" Niall said with a smile.

"Harry?" I said teasing him

"NO, YOU CUDDLE WITH ME AND ONLY ME" Niall said whining like a five year old

"Im just kidding Ni" I said giggling "Now lets start this movie before I regret wanting to watch it" I said inching closer to Niall.


A/N :: Hello loves, well this book is getting really bad i know. So, im going to delete it soon. 2 more chapters and imma leave it on watty for a while but will delete it soon. Sorry for those who enjoyed it, but i feel that its bad. im really sorry please dont hate me.

~ Stypayhorlikson4421



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