chapter 12

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i woke up with the sun hitting my face. It was a warm ray of sunshine. The girls were still sleeping. I had an idea. A mischevious smirk led to my face. i went to the middle of the room and stood on top of my chair infront of my mirror.

"OH MY GOSH A SNAKE!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The girls imediatley got up screaming. Their faces were totally priceless.

"oh my god where!!!???" The girls all screamed with terrified faces. I couldn't help my self from laughing. At this moment I was rolling on the floor laughing. The girls gave mr cconfused looks and I just kept laughing.

"Oh my gosh you guys should've seen your faces! Ah totally priceless" I said giggling

"You Bitch!" Ashlee said laughing

"You got us good, but your gonna pay!" Alice said giggling, I just smiled and hugged them all.

"Okay girls, do you guys want to go out for Breakfast or do you guys want to cook breakfast?" I asked

"I think we should go out for breakfast" Sky said

"Brilliant!" El said smiling

"Well then lets get ready because im starving!" I said playfully rubbing my stomach


After 40 minutes we were finally ready. For us girls that is pretty quick for a girl to get ready so i was pretty surprised we all looked fabulous. El was wearing a flowy navy blue dress with gray heels. Ashlee was wearing a Red peplum shirt with black shorts and converse. Alice was wearing a sun flower printed dress with white flats. Sky was wearing a a black skater skirt with a lion crop top and black combat boots. I was wearing A white tanktop with black shorts and a tan colored cardigan.

We all got inside my car and headed to 'CoCo's Bakery'. We all loved that place. Their Pie is literally the best! Once we got there and got a table we started talking.

"So, what are the plans for today girls?" Sky asked. I just looked down remembering i wasn't free today.

"Whats wrong Bella, Are you okay love?" El asked

"Im fine, It's just that i totally forgot that i'm not free today." I said

"Why?" Ashlee asked

"Well, Because im going to help Niall pack, He's moving in--" I started to say but got cut off by Alice

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Don't you think it's a bit early for him to move in? I mean you guys have only been a couple for four days" Alice said witha  confused face. I giggled

"Relax Bietches, We've been planning this for years girls, He's not moving in just because he's now my boyfriend, we're just doing this so we don't have to pay so much rent" i said

"well that makes more sence, Why didn't you mention that before?" alice said

" I was but then you cut me off" I said giving her a 'duhh' face. She just laughed

"Well don't worry babe, you have fun with your Romeo, me and the girls will just go to the movies" Ashlee said

"Okay then, well lets order because, once again, i am starving" i said laughing


The girls left to the movies and i was getting ready to go over to Nialls. I was just about to change when I got a call. I saw Nialls face on my phone screen and smiled wide. I quickly answered.

"Hey Ni" I said into the phone

"Hey princess, are you almost here?" He asked

"Yeah babe, im just going to change. Why?" I asked

"Nothing I just wanted to know so I can order Take-Away For us. The boys aren't going to be here so maybe you couls spend the night?" Niall asked

"Sure thing baby. I'll see you in a bit okay" I said

"alright" He responded

"Okay bye Nialler" I said 

"Bye babe, I love you, Be safe" He said I heard the boys aww and laugh. i giggled and blushed.

"I love you to baby, Bye" And with that i hung up

I Put on my gray sweats that weren't baggy and reached a little past my knees, My converse, a white V- neck tee, and i put my hair into a simple side braid. I grabbed my phone and my purse and headed out the door. I was pretty excited about Niall moving in. It would be a new experience for both of us. 


A/N~~ HEY DOLLS!!!! sorry its short but i should be sleeping right now happy I updated. Also I am so sorry that i haven't been updating daily but i've been really busy these past few days. Ill probably only update Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. well i guess thats all. Vote And Comment!!! Love you all!!!!

~~~ Stypayhorlikson4421

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