chapter 8 ♥

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"Hello?" I spoke into the phone

"Hey, Isabella? it's me Xavier" he said

"oh hi" I said sounding nervous

"hey I was wondering if you wanted to out with me tonight?" he asked, I could imagine him smirking. I raised up courage and told him off

"Actually No, I dont want to, I found out about your reputation & I don't want to be another one of those girls you just throw out on the curve. plus I found someone way better than you. So bye sweetie, and by the way FUCK YOU!" I almost yelled into the phone

"What the Fuck! you can't do that!" he yelled into the phone

"looks like I just did, bye bye now sweetie" and with that I hung up not giving him a second to respond

I looked back at the girls and sighed of relief. I'm glad I got that over with.

"Good job girl!" Alice said clapping

"Wow Bella I didn't know you had that in you!" El said

"I think you are actually the first girl to tell him off" Sky said. I just blushed and laughed. After a little more talking I headed back home to get ready.

I put on my denim jeans, a black shirt that said "fall out boy" and a blue chunky cardigan. I love my vans so I choose to wear those.

"Are you ready baby?" Niall said coming from behind me.

"Yeah" I said slipping on my studded earrings. We held hands and went to the car.

"Ni where are we going?" I said confused because we took a weird road.

"Some where" He said cheekily smiling. "You will love it Bella"

"Okay" I said smiling at the thought of Niall's cheekiness. That boy makes me feel so lucky, like the irish. See what I did there. I'm smart.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Niall said.

"Oh nothing, ARE WE THERE YETT??" I said. Niall smiled and we finally got there, the sunlight was perfect. The beach. Perfect. I love Niall!

"Wow Niall this is so awesome i love you" I said smiling and hugging Niall.

"I love you too" Niall said. Wr sat on the sand and looked into each others eyes, the sunlight was perfect. Niall was drawing a heart with his finger around us. I smiled and we saw a couple ahead, the were kissing. It looks Like Ashlee. It's not though cause she went to go do some errands, right?

"It looks like Ashlee and Li" Me and Niall said in unison. We laughed and went up to them. Niall tapped Liam's shoulder and broke the kiss.

"Hey guys. Finished with your errands yet?" I said.

"Um yeah" Ashlee said blushing.

"Liam James Payne! You did the deed with her huh?" I said.

"Maybe" Liam said making

Ashlee blush.

"Those were the errands" Niall said making quotation marks with his fingers. We laughed.

"Hotel huh Liam? I gotta do that soon" Niall said winking.

"NIALL!" I said playfully slapping his arm. We all laughed and decided to go back to our date. Liam and Ashlee left, to the hotel.

"Isabella look over there" Niall said pointing to a heart that said Ni + Bella. I hugged him.

"Your so sweet Ni" I said. We got really close, like REALLY close I looked into his eyes, and his lips got on mine. He slowly and passionately kissed me. I smiled and we pulled away.

"Thank you" Niall said. I'm confused.

"Thank you Niall" I said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too Isabella" Niall said hugging me.


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