chapter 20

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Nialls POV

Belle got really scared & everyone started laughing, as I lifted up my mask I saw my princess falling, I immediately pushed Harry & zayn out of the way & bearly caught her before she fell on the tile floor.

"Oh God, is Isabella okay?" Sky asked worried. I got really scared & started shaking her to see if she'll wake up.

"nothing is happening " I said scared

"I'll call the ambulance " Liam said & quickly took out his phone.

"princess please wake up,please please please" I whispered as I caressed her cheek. I carried her and layed her down on the couch.

"The Paramedics are on their way here Niall don't worry lad everything is gonna be okay" Harry said

"We should've never scared her in the first place" Ashley said with a cracked voice

"She's going to be okay babe, don't worry" Liam said hugging her

I sat down by my princess and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. As I was lost in thought I heard a knock on the door & Harry let the Paramedics in.

"What is the problem with the girl?" The paramedic who's name was Roger asked me while another paramedic checked her heart beat.

"She fainted from a scare"  I explained. As I was explaining everything I saw Bella stir a bit & she slowly woke up.

"what happened? who are these people?" Bella asked groggily & confused. I quickly rushed to her side and wrapped my arms around her.

"They are Paramedics Babe, & they are here because you fainted" I explained "we scared you with masks & you fainted but we didn't know that was going to happen, I am really sorry babe" I said pecking kisses all over her face, she stayed quiet still processing everything that happened.

Bellas POV

After the Paramedics told me what to do they left. I stayed on the couch sitting down still waiting for some explaining to be done by them. Niall was the first one to speak.

"Princess I am so sorry, I truly am, please forgive me" He said a little worried. I just laughed.  he gave me a confused face expression.

"Niall it's fine, I forgive all of you, it was just a scare. But don't do that ever again." I said

"we promise! " everyone said in unison.


this chapter sucks soooo bad on sooooo many levels! I'm telling you, it's writers block. ugh. well I hope you somewhat enjoyed this sucky chapter. stay tuned for more, or not. it's your choice. well, bye kittens. ilysm!

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