Chapter 9

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Alice's Pov

"Should we tell her?" A voice says

"We have to, It's time for her to know." Another says

"You guys sure now is the right time?" A manly voice ssays

"Yes." Another manly voice

I ended up cough, feeling like I'm about to be sick. Luckly nothing comes out. Harry, El, and my parents walk in. Harry sets me in his lap, playing with my hair. My mother checks my forehead, and she hands me some water.

"We are going to keep you home for today, sweetie." My mother says

"Okay." I sigh

"We also have to tell you something." my father says

"This happen when you were really little, and you forgot about it now. El told us that you both had a little deja vu connections. Well that flashback. was from your childhood. El is your sister, you both were twins, but she was born at night on Febuary 7th, and you were born at night febuary 8th." My dad says

I look at everyone, shocked. What? Who? What?

"What happened?" I ask

"The person that took your sister, they found the house burned down, but we thought she died. They droped the case, but the case was now filed away. El will be starting school with you when you go back tomorrow." My mom says

"Okay." I say

I'm too shocked to say or do anything.

"Well I got to get to school Love." Harry smiles," I'll see you later sweetheart."

He kisses my cheek, before leaving. Mom and dad are taking El out shpping and getting everything she needs. I groan and fall back asleep.

I wake up, to see its only noon. I get out of bed, and freshen up. I walk around the whole house looking for something to do. I ended up walking to some room I never even noticed before. The room has book shelves. I glance at the books, trying to find a good book. I pull some books out, and read a bit of them. Finding nothing good, I set them back. I notice a old book, and as I take it out a secret door opens. WHAT THE FUCK! I walk over to it, walking down the stairs. The hallways light up out of no where. The hallway ends, opening up to a old look room. Old dusty books cover the shelves. Some books left open on the tables. Old looking bottles with weird things in them. I see old pictures on the walls. I walk over to a desk, and look through the drawers. I accedntely pull the bottom of it up, but it revles a secret compartment. I see an old looking book. Hmm? I grab it and flip through it, its a diary from my grandmom. I leave the secret room, just incase anyone came back.

Once I get to my room, I open up to the first page.

"Dear Diary, Have you ever had to keep a big secret from your family. Scared that if they find out they wont like you or they would hurt you? Thats why I wear my moon ring. It's the only thing that keeps me from changing. My little girl keeps trying to change. Being a single mother is killing me. I miss my mate. They killed him, now I have to run the pack, and the duties of a king."

30 pages later...

"My lovely daughter just announced she was pregant last night at her wedding. I'm so happy for her, She got the prince of her dreams, and is going to be a beautiful queen. The pups should be here early since its twins! My little luna is growing up. My daughters best friend and her husband had her son on Febuary 1st, just around the time the girls would be here.

20 more pages later...

"My granchildren are here! Eleanor was born Febuary 7th at night. We are worried about Alice. She hasn't came yet. I think its something to do with the blue moon, since My daughter was born on a blue moon. The next day came fast, around night, when the blue moon was up, Alice finally came. I talked to my daughters best friend and she is bringing her son over, to see the babies. When they came, little Harry ran right over to me, I was holding Alice."

10 pages later...

"Alice is now 5, and little Harry is 6. Harry is coming over later, Just a month ago we lost our beloved Eleanor. I still feel like shes alive. Little Alice started crying, it was a usually thing now, she is away from her sister. When Harry got here, she was all smiling. It was like she was a different person. I looked closer, and used my gift. It happens to be that they are mates. How cute! A knock on the door..........."

I flip through the last pages to find that pages are missing, a piece of paper falls out. I pick it up to see my grandmothers handwriting.

"Dear Alice, This is probable hard for you. I have no idea if your sister is alive or not. I know she is though, I can feel her. Anyway, I know this is coming. They are going to take me. Since I'm a powerful wolf. Wait I really hope your parents told you. If not, believe every word I say. You are a luna wolf, the most powerful creaters in the world.You are also the princess, and daughter to an alpha. When you wear my moon ring, you have no idea what you are. The moon ring shuts out your wolf. Anywho, they will come after you, They didnt come after your mom, becasue she gave up her gift. I didn't I used mine to protect you. Use your gift wisely, You will get your gift on your 18th birthday. If you haven't changed into a wolf by that day, your gift will be lost forever. I don't have much longer, what ever you do dont give up that gift! I love you sweetie be a good luna princess."

I heard the front door open, and I stuff the letter in my drawer. I climb back into bed, pretending to be asleep. I feel someone kiss my face, and I giggle.

"Babe, get up." A vocie says

"I'm up." I smile," Harry."

"School was boring!" He groans laying on me

"Aww poor you." I laugh

He pouts, making me cup his face and slamming my lips on his.

"Lets cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day." I smile

"I'd like that." he smiles

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