Chapter 10

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Alice's Pov

The next morning, I dred so much. The day I go back to school. I can tell El is scared. I hug her and she gives me a small smile. I hear Harry pulling up, and I see Louis move seats. Once El and I get to Harry's car we get in.

"Good morning girls." Harry smiles

"Good morning!" Louis cheeres

"Morning, its too early Louis." I yawn

"Morning guys." El smiles

Once we arrive to school, I groan in my head. Can I just stay home and sleep? We all get out the car, and walk into the school. We show El around and she gets her things. El and I have all the same classes except homeroom, she has french with Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam while I have spanish with Niall, and Sophia. Its like our little group now, intill the other guys find a girl they like. I zone out through spanish, snd keep looking outside. Every since I found that book..everyone is hidding things from me. Sighing I can feel Niall and Sophia watching me.

"What?" I ask

"Well you look zone out, and judging by the picture and writing your mind had a lot to say." Sophia says

"Picture, writing.." As I look down, I see what she is talking about.

I drew the secret room, and a small sketch of what the room looks like. I wrote quotes of my grandmas journal. Very detailed and bold words. I scan the page again, and notice I drew on the back as well. I flip it over to see the same dark wolf that I always draw. I quickly put my stuff away and get ready to leave class. Niall and El try to catch up, but I head straight to the libaray to get a pass. I head over to my locker and then to class, everyone asked me where I went, all I said was I need to ask my teacher something, and I just remembered. I can tell by Harry's eyes he didn't really believe me, but he let it go. As everyone heads to lunch, I excues myself to my locker. I did go to my locker, but then I head over to the libaray.

Once I get to the libaray, I head straight for the fantsy, myth, fairytales. I grab everybook I can about wolves.

"Eyes change colors in the light, hard to tell some times."

"Alpha is the leader, runs the pack..Beta..."

I hear the bell go off, and its time for last period. I quickly head to the gym, and get changed. After I am dress I head to the track, plug my music in, and run. I ignore everyone that comes out, I see the guys and I can feel Harry's eyes on me, Sophia and El come out and talk to the guys. I see coach walking over to me, he calls my name and I walk over to him.

"Yes coach?" I say

"I'm giving you premission to run the trails, you could use a changlled." He says

"Thank you." I smile

Coach leaves, and I walk over tot the start of the trail, I strech and then run.

Harry's Pov

"I think she knows." El says

"Why you say that?' I ask

"Look." She says handing me a paper

I noticed the drawlings, and bold words. The secret room, has she been there? Writing, dates back from when she was little? I flip the page over to see the same drawling of the wolf she gave me. This cant be good..

"First off, where is this writng from?" I ask

"Thats the thing we don't know. It's sounds like its from an old journal." El says

"It sounds like she's been into the screte room and found a journal." Louis says

"Will we need that journal." I say

After Alice's practice we head back to her house. While Alice goes to shower we look around he room. I look next to her bed, and through her nightstand. When I open a drawer, I found a old leather journal. I flip through it, and I knew this was it.

"Guys look." I whispered," I found it."

"I'll put it in my room." El says before rushing off.

Few minutes later, Alice comes out the bathroom, and sits in my lap. I play with her hair, as I talk with El and Louis. I zone out for a bit, and listen to Alice's thoughts.

"Should I ask? The book, the lying, the secret's? What are they trying to hide from me! Is it true I am a princess? A Wolf? A Luna wolf? If I don't change I will lose my gift..forever..." Some of Alice's thoughts.

Lose gift forever? What does that mean? I hear alice slowly fall asleep, so I lay her down tucking her in. El, Louis, and I leave and head to the secret room. When we got down to the room, Her mom, and dad are here.

"If Alice doesn't change why will she lose her gift?" I ask

"Thats why people are after her." Their mom says

"She shouldn't lose her gift though." I say, "She found her grandmoms journal, and now she is wondering if its all true."

"Oh no.." Mrs. Young gasped

"We have to tell her now, but she can't know about you guys. At least not yet." Mr. Young says

"Well do it soon, We have the cammping trip this weekend." I sigh

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