Chapter 5

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Harry's Pov

"We have a problem." I say to Mr. and Mrs. Young

"I figured. What happen?" He asked

"During her relay races for track, she said she heard footsteps, and a growling sound. When she turn her head to see if the footsteps were behind her, she didnt see anyone. She ended up rolling down a hill, and hit her back on a tree." I say

"Oh my gosh, We need to tell her." Mrs. Young says

"We cant, or she will be in dangered more." Mr. Young says

"We have a small bond, right now. She would delpove a stronger bond, if it wasn't for that ring." I say

"Do you think she would turn if she stops wearing the ring?" Mrs. Young asks

"I'm not sure, I would have to read up on about that." Mr. Young says

"Well, ill let you two talk. I'm going to see Alice." I say before leaving

As I walk up the stairs I can hear her music playing, but no movement.

"Alice?' I say

Nothing. I decided to open it open a bit, I can tell there is bubbles all around her covering her.

"Harry!" She squeals trying to cover her self

"Alice, the buddles are covering you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" I say

"Aw. Okay, i'll be out in a sec." She smiles

I stand there, amazed at how beautiful she is.

"Harry, uhh, can you give me a minute." She giggles

"Right, sorry." I say

I close the door behind me, and walk over to her bed. I sit down, and look at the picture frame right next to her bed. The picture is of the lads and I with her when we were younger. She is sitting on my lap, with my arms wrapped around her waist, my head on her shoulder smiling like a idiot. She is laughing, and the guys decided to mock us, Niall was sitting on Liam, and Louis is sitting on Zayn. She was laughing at the boys on each side of us. I lay on her bed, but not before fixing the pillow. As I move the pillow I found her journal. I open it up to the most recent page.

'January12, The day the nightmares started. It's like deja vu or something, like i've heard these before. Also my parents keep talking secretly and its creeping me out. I always feel like i'm being watched. I heard something about my ring? What dose it mean? I have all these questions but no answers. Harry, he's alwasy here when I need him the most. At the party, he saved me from god knows what. But in my dream or what ever I remember the guy, I swear I've seen him before? But Where?'

She hasn't written anything else? I put the book back, just as she leaves the bathroom. She comes over to my side, and pushes me over. She lays in my spot, pulling the blankets over her.

"Are you still going to school tomorrow love?" I ask

"Yeah, I just wont go to practice." She frowns

"It will jsut be for a couple days love, now you need to get some beauty sleep." Harry smiles, " Ill stay with you till you fall asleep."

"Goodnight Harry." She mummbles.

"Goodnight love." I smile kissing her head

Alice's Pov

I decided to take a hot shower, to relax my self. I had another crazy dream. Gosh I dont wanna sleep anymore. I dry myself off, exiting the bathroom and changing. Once I was ready, i noticed I didn't have my ring on. No! No! I need my ring, its so special to me.

"Mom! Dad! Have you seen my ring?!?!" I yell

"Check your bathroom, you always leave it in there." Mom yells

I run into my bathroom, tearing the whole place apart. I lean aagaisnt the wall, I lost it. I grab my bag and walk downstairs. My grandmothers ring is gone.

"Did you find it sweetie?" Dad ask

"Nope." I frown.

I head to the kictchen and grab my breakfast, just as Harry pulls up. I hop in his car, and sigh.

"Whats wrong love?' He asks

"I lost my grandmothers ring." I frown

"It cant be far away love, its just somewhere in your house. Maybe it fell off?" Harry says

"You could be right." I sigh

Once at school Harry entwines our hands, as we walk towards the boys. We chatted for a bit before heading to class. Throught the whole day, I didn't feel like my self. I felt like my body was on fire. As I walk to p.e. I change into my running gear then walk to the feild. I walk for a bit, but it becomes hard to see. I'm alomst did one lap, I see the lads walking out, but everything becomes blurry, and then it turns black.

"Alice! Alice! Please wake up!" Someone says

I moan a bit, as my head feels like i just got hit by a birck.

"She's up!" The voice says again," Love please open your eyes"

I slowly open them, and finding a worried looking Harry. He sits me up, and I noticed I'm at the nurse's office. I look around to see the guys.

"Whhat happend?" I ask

"You fainted."The nurse says," Most likely dehydrated. How have you been feeling today?"

"All day I felt like my body was on fire." I say

I can see the boys eyes on me. I really dont want any questions. I just wanna go home a sleep, and cuddle. I noticed Harry smirking, which makes me wonder why?

"Kiddo your burning up, I suggest you go home and sleep, take a cold bath or shower. And get plenty of rest." She says

"Can I leave with her. I'm her ride, since her parents are busy with work." Harry says

The nurse agrees to let him go with me, and it seems like the boys got my stuff already. The boys promised to come over after school ends in an hour. Once we get to my house I ended up falling asleep just as I hit my bed.

A light turns on, and I see my self chained to a wall. I cant undo the chain, becuase its some midevil looking type shit. Suddenly the door slams open and end walks two guys.

'Alice, alice, alice, sweet heart you think you can run and hide?' A guy laughs,'I cant wait till your all mine.'

'We'll use you, as our bait, to lure him in.' another smirks,' not much longer now princess.'

The guys move closer to me, putting a kinfe to my throat, I screamed.

I jump right out of my sleep, to see the guys all run to my side. Niall hands me a glass of water, and I take a few sips.

"You okay?' Zayn asked

"Just a bad dream." I mummble, " Where's Harry?" I ask

"Oh, he went to use the other bathroom, since Liam is in yours." Louis says

"Okay." I say

Louis walkes out, saying he is going to find a bathroom, Niall and Zayn Head to get food. Liam walks out saying hes going to get food too. I sigh and open my Journal.

'Januray 16th, Whats going on? All day I feel like my body is on fire, like something inside me is wanting to jump out. Today I fanited and I got sent home. I don't feel sick or anything. Quite weird, don't you think? My dream, really makes me not want to sleep. In my dream I was chained up to a wall, and the two guys kept saying they are going to use me, and that I shouldn't run and hide. Also that I am bait, to lure someone? Who? What for? Just before I woke up he puts a kneif to my throat, which really makes me not want to sleep. I just wish these dreams would go away.'

I hear the door open, so I quickly put my journal away. Harry walkes in, and a smiles appaers on my lips.

"The lads left, saying it was getting late. I told your parents, and they said not to go to school tomorrow. So that mean I'm staying over, because I wont go to school unless you do." He smiles

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