Chapter 8

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Alice's Pov

I yawn, as I hop into Harry's car. He smiles at me, as he grabs my hand. When we get to school, I see Sophia and Liam waiting for us. The boys have ten minutes with us, before we have to leave.

"What am I going to do with out you?' Harry mumbles against my neck

"You'll be fine." I giggle

The boys walk us to where the coach, Kevin, and Michael are. Coach is talking to the boys, and is probable explaining everything. Coach then walk over to us.

Harry's Pov

"Kevin. Michael." I say

"Yes sir." They say

"I'm trusting you right now, to look after Alice." I say

"Will you be there?' Kevin asked

"I will, but in wolf form, and in the shadows."I say

"If we see anything we will send you a mind link." Michael says

"Good, now if you do a good job. You will probable get rewarded by her father." I say

"Thank you." Kevin and Michael say

I walk back over to the guys, and wait for Alice and Sophia to walk back to us. Once they get done talking to the coach, Alice runs up and hugs me. Sophia smiles at us. I wrap my arms around her, and hold her tight.

"Don't forget to pick me up." She says

"I wont. I promise." I smile

"Alice, Sophia time to go." Coach yells

I peck Alice on the lips, and watch her get into the van. Once they are out of site, Liam and I leave school grounds. Leaving our cars here, we run off school grounds changing into our wolf. We meet up with the boys, and run over to the track meet. Once we arrive, we hide in the bushes. The van just pulled up and I see her get out. The girls wait outside the van. The boys get out in different clothes, and then the girls get back in. She gets back out again, only this time she is wearing leggings and a tight tank top. She pulls her hair back into a pony tail. I see her family and Eleanor come in to view, hugging Alice.

Alice was called in by her coach, I see Eleanor run our here. With out anyone noticing.

"What are you guys doing here. If anyone sees you." She rambles

"El, shh. We are just keeping an eye on you guys." I sigh

"Okay, but be careful, they are running through these woods." She quickly says before leaving.

We hide a bit more, and watch them get ready to race.

Alice's Pov

I stretch real quick and get into place. We have to run the trail 4 times. I'm up first, and I'm so nervous. My opponent is Genna, she smirks at me as we get into place. Once the gun goes off we run. As people get out our view, she starts talking.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Princess Alice. The girl who gets everything she wants." She growls

"I'm not a fucking princess, and I don't get everything I want." I snap

She cuts me off, making me trip. I hear her laugh as she turns the corner.

"Fuck." I groan

I quickly get back up, and run as fast as I can I see her not far ahead. As I get closer, I run a little faster than her. Just as I got in front of her, I hear her groan. I finished my lap. As I get near the same spot I fell at, I feel my self falling.

"Fucking hell." I say

"Sorry not sorry." She laughs

I get back up and run again, catching up to her. As I past her, I run as fast as I can, trying to keep distance from her. Okay I need to pick my paste up. Ignoring her, I shut out the world listening to every moment and every sound. I hear her getting closer, but I keep running faster. I finish this lap, and only one to go. I hear people cheering, and Genna getting angry.

She catches up to me, and pulls ahead of me. The finish line comes closer, and I pull just enough energy to pass her. I cross the finish line throwing my hands in the air. Sophia runs up to me and hugs me.

"You did it!" She shouts

"I know, except my ankle hurts, the cunt triped me twice." I groan

"Here you sit, I'll get some ice." She smiles

"Nice race princess." She says

"Don't call me princess." I growl

She looks scared for a second, before walking off. I see Eleanor eyes widen as she walks up to me

"Alice you okay?" She asks

"Eh, I'm okay." I shrug

Sophia comes back with the ice, and I level my leg. I groan leaning back in my chair. I close my eyes and try to breath. In and out, in and out. Who the fuck is blocking my sun. I open my eyes to see Harry smiling at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Eh school got boring." He smirks

He picks me up, and sits in my chair setting me on his lap. He plays with my hair, making me close my eyes again and enjoy this moment together. I hear a new race, being called up. I look up to see Kevin going.

After 3 hours of being here, its finally Sophia and some girl's turn. They are the last to go. I walk over to the side lines, and I feel Harry's grip on my waist. I cheer on Sophia, It gets to the last lap, We all wait looking to see who will make it. Everything stops when we hear two screams. The coach's run, and then I run. I hear Harry call my name. I run and call out Sophia's name. I run but, I slip in mud. and go rolling down a hill. Deja vu. I hit the bottom with a groan. I open my eyes to see Sophia, and the other girl covered in what smells like blood and looks like mud. My eyes widen, I look down, and notice I'm covered in blood, and mud.

"Is this blood." I mumbled

"It smells like it." Sophia says

"How did you guys get down here?" I ask

"Something frighten us, and next thing we know we fell down here. I think I'm going to be sick." The girl says

"Alice! Sophia!" Harry yells

"Harry!" I yell

I look up to see him at the top, eyes widen. He yells at everyone that we are over here. Ambulance and cops were called after seeing the blood. I look around me, to see dead animals, and blood dripping out.

"Alice." Sophia says

I start seeing black dots, and I hear someone move, and hold me up as I black out.

"She should be okay, I think the blood was too much to handle for her." A voice says.

"Thank you." Another says

I open my eyes, to see I'm sitting in an anblance. I sit up, and see Harry leaning against the back watching everyone.

I get out, and slid up next to him.

"Alice. Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm okay, there was so much." I mumble

"They said someone left all the animal blood, and its fresh so someone must of been there an hour ago dumping it all." He says

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." I groan

Harry grabs me a bucket, just as I let everything out. Worst track meet every.

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