Chapter 11

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Alice's Pov

Today is the day. The senior camping trip. Sophia, and El are helping me pack. The camping trip is for a whole week! A lot can happen in a week. Once I'm packed, Sophia heads to the bathroom, and El heads over to her room to start packing. I turn to my nightstand and open the cubbie. The book, its gone. Someone took it...was it ture then?

Sighing, I lay back on my bed and wait for Sophia. Once she comes out, she gets a outfit out for me for tonight. Then we go and help El with her stuff. The boys will be here in a bit, so we bring our stuff down stairs. The boys honk their honrs, and we bring ourstuff to there car. I go with harry, El with Louis, and Sophia with Liam. Zayn and Niall, are metting us there. The camping trip is just outside the city.Harry grabs my hand and holds it, smiling at me.

"Shouldn't both hands be on the wheel?" I smile

"Nah" Harry smirks

The whole ride there I let Harry sing along to the radio. I closed my eyes a lot so i could enjoy this moment. Once we arrived to the camp site, we went to find a cabin. I grabbed a map of the camp site and looked for the lake. I told Harry to drive to the last cabin. Score! No one got it yet. I ran inside, and looked for the room with a good view of the lake. I heard Harry calling my name, but I kept looking. I ran upstairs, and checked the 3 bed rooms. The last one has a perfect view, and a balcony.

"Babe! Where are you?" Harry yells

"Upstairs, the last room on the left." I yelled

I could hear Harry's footsteps, till they stopped.

"Wow." He says

"This is our room." I smile

"I agree." He smiles," Let me call the guys to tell them were we are, here's your stuff babe."

He kisses my cheek before heading back downstairs. I step on to the balcony and take in the fresh air. I feel a pair of arms wrapp around my waist, and there head goes into my neck.

"Hey babe." I smile

"Hey." He says

Harry turns me around and pecks my lips.

"Tonight, when everyone is asleep, you, me, swim in the lake?" He smirks

"Sure." I smile

Harry and I head downstairs, to the living room where everyone else is. We talk about what we are doing, and the events that are coming up. Tomorrow is the big bonfire, with all the other schools in our city. Zayn and Niall just hope they can find a girl. We pass the time by playing card games, watching movies, and unpacking.

Around midnight, everyone finally fell asleep. I change into my swim suit, and I go and meet Harry at the lake. I leave the house as quite as I can and run over to the lake. I dont see Harry's stuff yet, so he must be late. I sit on the sand and wait. A yawn escaps my lips, just as I hear Harry.

"Hello love." He smiles

"Hey." I giggle

I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck, bringing my lips up to his. His hands travel down to my waist, and then to my butt lefting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. He bits my lip, causing me to groan. I untanlge my self from him, taking my cover off, and walking down to the water. The water is nice and warm, i go further in to the water, but I feel hands grab my waist.

"Where do you think you're going." Harry whispers

"No where." I smirk at him.

I remove my self from his grip, and dive underwater. When I come back up, Harry is gone. I start to panick, just as someone pulls me under. They attache there lisp to mine, as we come up to the surface, I notice its Harry.

"You ass, you scared me." I say

"Aww babe, I was just joking." He forwns

I give him the slint treatment, and he pulls me close leaving tons of kisses on my face. Giggling I give up.

After awhile of swimming, I get tired. Harry carries me back inside, and I throw my hair in a bun. I grab one of Harry's t shirts, and one of my boy shorts to change into. I climb in to bed, and so dose Harry.

"Goodnight Harry." I yawn

"Goodnight love." He says

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