I Love You

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I just want to give a quick shout out to  @jokerswifexoxo For helping me with the next chapters.  I had writers block and I didn't know what I should have done for the next few chapters. So everybody give a quick thanks in the comments below.   KK  :)



It's been two days since the fight. He still hasn't woken up. After the doctor left I had one of the goons help me move him to his room. I was so worried that I moved my pillow and cover to his room, so I could keep an eye on him. I mi- 

I look up from my journal as I heard a thump. I grab my knife and quietly exit my room. I tip-toe down the hall not bothering to look  into Jokers room to check on him. As I approach the railing I crouch down, as not to be seen. I peek through the railing, but no one was there. I stand up. I feel hands go around my waist and I let out a yelp. I wrench out of the grip and turn to find Joker, a smile on his face.

"Did I scare ya?" He says wrapping his arms around me again.

I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. 

"How long? Y'know...since I've been out?" He said resting his head on mine.

"Two days" I reply

"Well...." He says letting go of me and walking past me, "At least I know who to go after next."

"Joker no." I say holding his wrist

"What?!?  He hurt you and you don't want him dead?!?"

"J....that's not what I meant-"

"Then what did you mean?!"

"J....It's wasn't Bruce. I don't know who that was." I lied.

"Your lying! I can see it in your eyes." He replied harshness in his voice

"No J....I'm not lying.  It wasn't" I say looking him strait in the eyes, " I promise"

With that he walked to his office. I watched him slam the door behind him. I walked back to my room and went to the windowsill. 'Wow' I thought to myself, looking at the city. It was nighttime already. I left my room. 'Well I can at least go get my things' I said to myself walking to Jokers room. I open the door to find him standing there on the phone. He quickly hung up as I entered his room. 

"I..uh...came to grab my...things" I say walking over to the left side of the bed

"How about you leave your things there....and sleep with me tonight?"

"J...I....Ok" I reply walking over to him. 

He wraps his arms around me again. I put my arms around him. Before I knew it he was leaning down. I go the rest of the way and smash our lips together. It wasn't sloppy, it was passionate, and this time......I didn't fell guilty. I pull away gasping for air. I can hear his labored breathing and I look into his eyes. I see joy in his eyes. He was happy and I realized that the worst thing that could have happened was me leaving him. 

"So.... do wanna go anywhere?" He asks hugging me tighter

"Well...we can't" I reply


"The car...it-it's smashed" I reply, afraid of his reaction

"Oh, Sorry I forgot for a moment"

I take in his words and realize that this was the first time that I had ever heard him say the word 'sorry' before.

"J? Are you Ok?" I say into his chest


"You said you were sorry. Y-you've never said that to me before." I reply

"Well.....I meant it." He said resting his head on mine.



"I love you" 

And I meant it.

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